Cannot Bear The Pain

In one sudden move, I released a burst of energy from my body that shattered all restraint. The Shadow Society troops were shocked and staggered backward. Alaric glared with confusion.

My father watched the scene with wide-open eyes. There was a hint of hope in her eyes as she realized I still had the strength to fight back.

"Ares, run! Save yourself!" cried my father in a voice full of despair.

I didn't want to leave my father, but I knew I had to take this chance. With the strength I had left, I broke free from the bonds and dashed out of the room.

However, I cannot leave my father. I know that my father will be killed by The Shadow Society. So, I decided to run again.

"No! Go and don't come back!” my father exclaimed.

I saw a soldier from The Shadow Society shooting something at me. My father saw it too, then he did something unexpected. He jumped and blocked the soldier. The shot hit him right in the chest. Not just once, but twice. His blood splattered my face, then my father fel
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