Soldiers Made Of My Blood

I knelt beside the lying beast, taking a deep breath. The battle was over, and I managed to defeat a strong foe. Even though my body felt tired and hurt, I felt relieved and satisfied that I had fought and triumphed against the darkness.

As I looked around, I noticed that the sounds of war drums were getting closer. The Tribe was already in danger, and I could no longer delay going back and helping them. I have to run toward that voice and protect the people I love.

As I dashed through the forest at top speed, I inevitably fell to the ground hard. Pain shot through my body as I realized that my leg was badly injured. I tried to stand up, but couldn't move my sprained leg properly. Falling and sitting there, I felt despair approaching.

However, suddenly, from behind the bushes near me, two familiar figures appeared. It was my friend, the winged wolf, and his grown son. They were still alive and found me at the most crucial moment.

The winged wolf came closer and kissed my face gently a
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