Everything Is Very Confusing
"Now I know nothing more, uncle. I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore,” I answered in a low voice. My eyes sting and I know soon tears will roll down my eyelids, even though I try to hold them back.

The situation became silent as soon as they heard my words, as if the whole tribe also felt my pain. I don't know what happened to mom. If it was my father who harmed my mother, I really don't know what to believe anymore.

Suddenly, hurried steps were heard approaching towards the assembly hall. Everyone turned to the door, and they were surprised to see one of the young totem warriors, named Arin, enter the room out of breath.

"Sorry, I disturbed the meeting," Arin said in a breathless voice. "Nola... Nola is missing!"

“W-what?” I asked.

Hearing the news, the atmosphere in the hall became even more tense.

"Was he kidnapped?" asked Bill.

“Nola is a priest with high power, it wasn't easy to kidnap her. Whoever did this has completely crossed the line," Rex said.

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