
I stared at his face in deep confusion, trying to understand the meaning of his words.

"Severus? Who is he? Did he order you?" I asked.

"Severus," he repeated.

However, the answer still didn't provide any clues. Instead, her body slumped from my grasp. Slowly and silently, he fell to the damp ground of the forest, his last breath slipping out in a halting gasp.

I froze for a moment at this eerie scene, the realization of death so sudden and unexpected. He had gone, taking with him the mystery of Severus and whatever secrets he might have carried.


I was forced to lift the lifeless body. Carefully, I decided to take his body back to camp. Our footprints are scratched in the damp earth, drawing dark marks on the earth that has witnessed this mysterious death.

"Call all the tribal leaders," I said to one of the tribesmen who saw me carrying this body.

“O-okay, General,” he replied before running away.

Soon the tribal leaders came from their camps. Rex left the medical camp after
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