Severus is Not a Name

We all looked around and didn't find anything about Severus, until finally I saw a book lying around and half burned.

I reached for the book, the pages almost fragile between my fingers. Emerging from there, traces of Severus. As it turns out, Severus is not a person's name, but rather a state in which a person is completely influenced by a spirit. This was a major discovery, and it felt as if all the clues we had been searching for all this time were gathered in the worn pages of this book.

I stepped slowly towards them, the book held expectantly. “Wait, listen to what I found,” I said, my voice filled with excitement mixed with curiosity. I showed them the open pages of the book.

Bil frowned, eyes trying to digest this new information. "Severus is not a person's name, but rather the state of being completely influenced by a spirit," he said, his eyes shining with the thrill of new knowledge.

Rex nodded, absorbing the explanation. "So this is not just a name, but also a very basic sp
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