Tower of Erase
Tower of Erase
Author: phoenixhyperion

July 18, 2027.

Axel came home to his quiet house. He inserted the key into the doorknob and slumped his heavy body against the wall. He was exhausted; every inch of his skin ached.

When he crouched down to undo his shoelace, his stomach flared up in pain, and he groaned. This was Axel's everyday life: coming home battered and without anyone to welcome him.

Axel is a seventeen-year-old high school student. He no longer lives with his family; his parents are dead. His only relative, his sole brother who used to greet him at the door with a bright smile, is now nothing but ashes inside a jar above the cabinet.

Ten years ago, on July 7, 2018, a huge black Tower appeared at the center of the world. Nobody knew how it happened, nor did anyone see its appearance. It was as if the Tower had materialized out of thin air, like a magician producing a card from an empty hand.

The appearance of the Tower caused a massive uproar among the public. With panic and anxiety, all citizens demanded an explanation from national leaders, armed forces, and the government.

But the leaders were also at a loss. Hundreds of talented researchers from around the globe were sent to investigate the origin of the Tower. However, nothing could be found.

A massive light wave was unleashed one week after the mysterious Tower appeared. It carried a strong wind force that pushed sea waves to the shore. Some tall trees were bent, and others were broken.

The whole world was in catastrophe.

But as quickly as the wave appeared, it also vanished after encircling the entire Earth. The next day, the news exploded, and videos recording the phenomenon flooded the internet. People ranted, argued, and exchanged theories in the media, which the government could no longer suppress.

Those who lived near the Tower packed their bags and moved out of the city, scared of what was to come. Citizens hoarded food packs and other daily necessities. Some stayed in their homes, praying to the heavens that nothing would happen.

On the third day, things started to get weird. People began possessing strange abilities. The first person to experience this had someone record the whole process and upload it on the internet.

This young man was crossing the street when a huge truck ran a red light. The truck did not slow down, even though people were crossing the pedestrian lane.

The truck driver drove in a frenzy as if the brakes had failed. People trying to cross the road immediately ran back to where they came from, afraid of being hit by the truck.

But it wasn't the same for the grandmother and grandson pair. The grandmother could not run fast, and the young boy was scared stiff at the incoming truck.

Everyone in the area screamed for the grandmother and grandson pair. And just as the truck was only a few meters away, a black shadow emerged, removing the two from danger.

The young man reached the edge of the crossroad just as the truck finally came to a halt in the middle of the crossing. He embraced the little boy and asked if he was hurt. The little boy did not answer and just cried in his arms. The grandmother was also too shaken to speak. Her knees buckled, and he supported her. Onlookers were curious, and some called the police to report what happened.

When police from the nearby station arrived, they helped calm the grandmother, comforted the little boy, and took the truck driver into custody.

The young man, seeing the two were safe, turned around and walked away. But he suddenly stopped when a golden light flashed before his eyes.

[Congratulations! The Tower of Erase acknowledges your act of saving a life.]

[The Tower of Erase will reward you with a Swordsman skill! Please continue your good deeds.]

A shining golden light appeared before him, revealing a golden skill card. The young man was at a loss. Under everyone's shocked gaze, he took the golden skill card. When it brushed against his fingertips, the card immediately transformed into a huge gleaming silver sword.

His video of receiving a skill card from the Tower gained attention worldwide. This young man's name is Nyx Hart, Axel's older brother.

After a few hours of that commotion, the media reported similar scenarios happening to others in different countries.

That was the start of Nyx's legend. As the first discovered challenger, he entered the Tower. Not by choice, but because the Tower of Erase compelled him to attack it.

When he entered, he was immediately attacked by the Tower's creatures and trapped inside for three days.

Axel feared his brother had died. For the next three days, Axel didn't return home, sleeping at an inn a few meters away from the Tower. Since the Tower appeared in the sea, he would know if his brother returned based on incoming boats.

In fact, Nyx wasn't the only one who entered the Tower that day. At least twenty others received skill cards from the Tower of Erase.

Axel remembered how anxious he'd been. He didn't want to lose his only brother or be alone in this world. He deeply wished he also had the skill the Tower of Erase granted to humans—not for fame, but to stay by his brother's side.

When his brother returned after three days, Axel knew he had changed.

Nyx rarely stayed in the house; he was always out making plans with his teammates regarding the Tower of Erase's first floor. Nyx started gathering more comrades to help him beat the Tower's attack games. As Nyx became increasingly absent and neglected Axel, the two grew further apart.

Nine years later, Nyx became a prominent leader of the Tower's strongest challenger guild, the Snow Tiger Guild. In contrast, he became a laughingstock among his classmates.

He had such an astounding older brother. Why did he, his only blood relative, become a failure?

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