Chapter 39

"Now, for the contributions you and your father had done for the kingdom in the war, the standing of clan Larsen will be lifted to a higher rank in our hierarchy." Arvid said to him seriously.

"I am happy to hear that your majesty." Lucas said with a bow to the king.

"And as for you, due to your contributions it has been decided that you will be awarded with a specialised magical armament, crafted using the finest of materials in our lands and enchanted with great magic." Arvid said to him seriously as he looked at him.

"Such a reward is something that I will be happy to obtain my king." Lucas said to him with a bow at that.

'That is great. A specifically made magical armament for myself to use.' Lucas thought to himself as he schooled his features.

"That is wonderful to hear. However, there is still something that we wish to know about." Arvid said as he looked at him.

"What would that be your highness?" Lucas asked as he looked at the king with a confused face.

"Our court mage had learned that you are in possession of the knowledge of Space magic. A lost branch of magic which has no records for us to refer to. We would like to know how you were able to learn it." Arvid said to him seriously as he looked at the boy.

The court mage also looked at him seriously and the knights also focused on him. Lucas is able to feel the gazes of all the people present as he felt them on him.

Olivia however was shocked by her father's words as she looked at him in shock. She knew that the mystery about him knowing space magic is something that should be addressed but she didn't think that they would inquire about it so quickly.

She looked at her mother but her mother looked at her sternly and shook her head. After being told that by her mother she didn't say anything. After all, even if she is a princess, she is still a child and inexperienced in comparison to her mother who has been the queen for a long time.

Lucas meanwhile, who felt the gazes of the people present didn't do anything for a few seconds before he looked at the king with a serious face and a smile.

"Of course your highness. I learned my Space magic from another mage whom I had met 5 years ago." Lucas said to them with a serious face.

His words caught the attention of the people present as they looked at him and the court mage was especially interested in learning more about it.

"Do you know the name of this mage?" The court mage asked him seriously.

He is a very powerful magician and his position as the court mage showed his strength. But he doesn't have the knowledge needed to use Space magic as it is a lost art, a branch of magic which isn't available to the current people.

"No. He never told me his name. I just called him Master due to him being my teacher. He decided to teach me after meeting me and for two years I was under his tutelage. Then he disappeared without even informing me. I tried searching for him but there was no clue as to where he had gone. Though I believe that he had used his space magic to travel without anyone noticing." Lucas said to them with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I see. How powerful is he?" The court mage asked him seriously after hearing that.

"I believe him to be very powerful and much more knowledgeable than I am. And I don't believe that he has taught me everything that he knew. And from his behaviour, it seemed like he didn't have much interest in anything." Lucas said to the man with a serious face.

"He seemed to not have much interest you say." The court mage said as he looked at him.

"Yes. Aside from teaching me he didn't do much and was always absentminded. I don't know if he actually thought that I was his student or not since he just disappeared suddenly." Lucas said to the court mage with a serious face.

"I see. Would you be willing to write down the various spells that you know right now? It would be very beneficial for the kingdom if the knowledge of the magic is recorded in the archives." The court mage said to him with a serious face.

"Of course. If my actions can help the kingdom then I am willing to do it." Lucas said with a nod and a small smile.

The king and the court mage smiled at his words while the knights were also relieved to know that. They were loyal knights of the kingdom and the court mage is also a person who has served the previous king as well. So seeing that the young noble of the kingdom show his loyalty to the kingdom is a great thing for them.

'Magic of such calibre is very rare, and I'm sure that he also understands it, yet he is willing to impart his knowledge to us to help the kingdom. This young boy is quite loyal to the kingdom, we have to make sure that his loyalty stays with the kingdom as well.' Arvid thought to himself as he looked at the boy and then glanced at his daughter for a second.

"Very well. Accompany the court mage and he shall bring you to a room where you can write the knowledge on the magic. He will archive it afterwards, you will be rewarded according for your service to the kingdom." Arvid said to him with a serious face.

"Thank you for your generosity, my king." Lucas said as he gave a short bow in turn.

After that the court mage walked to him and gestured for him to follow him as Lucas nodded in return and then followed the court mage as the man led him out of the throne room.

After they were gone the throne room was silent for a few moments before the king gestured for the guards to leave them. The guards did as told as they left the throne room and stood in front of the doors from outside vigilantly.

"Father, did you have to ask him that so quickly?" Olivia asked after a few seconds had passed.

"I know that you find it inappropriate my dear, but considering the magic he had used, it was imperative that we had brought this matter to the forefront immediately." Arvid said to her seriously as he understood what his daughter was talking about.

"I agree with him my dear. Even if we have won the war, the hostility between both our kingdoms won't decline. And since they had also witnessed his use of space magic they would also wish to learn about it." Signe said to her daughter as she looked at her.

"As such, we have to make sure that we also have the knowledge to utilise the magic. Not to mention that it's a branch of magic that was lost. This is a golden opportunity for us to secure our kingdom and increase our strength." Arvid said to her seriously.

"I-I know father. It's just that, I fought alongside him and I admire his strength and power. So, asking something like this so brazenly didn't sit right with me." Olivia said as she sighed and rubbed her temple.

"It is alright, you are still learning to be a proper leader. There is still room to grow, don't try to rush it." Signe said to her daughter with a gentle smile.

"Of course mother." Olivia said with a nod at her words.

"Hmm. After he is done writing down the spells, I think you should talk with him to ease him a bit." Arvid said to her after thinking for a few seconds.

"Alright father. I shall do that." Olivia said to him with a nod as she stood up from her throne.

Then she walked out of the throne room as the two watched and then doors were closed. The two of them were looking at the door before they looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"She is quite attracted to him after all." Signe said as she giggled a bit.

"Well, she has admired warriors and he is an accomplished war hero, so of course she would be attracted to him. And he might also be a good candidate as well." Arvid said to her as he looked at the door with a small smile on his lips.

Signe watched her husband's reaction as she smiled as well. She just wanted her daughter to have a worthy husband and for her to have someone she could love. And it looks like she has found a good candidate as well.

'I am so happy for you, Olivia.' Signe thought to herself as she smiled.

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