Chapter 40

Lucas was finished writing the spells and how to use them on the paper that he was given as the court mage was watching him write the spells on it as he also tried to memorize the spells that he saw being written. After half an hour, Lucas was done writing the necessary amount of spells and rules as he looked at them. He nodded to himself in his mind before he gave them to the court mage who took them and read through them as his eyes widened at them.

"Incredible. So these are the spells for the Space Magic. To think I would be able to gaze at such valuable knowledge." The Court mage said with wide eyes as he looked at the papers and then at Lucas.

"I am glad to see that my knowledge is of use to the kingdom." Lucas said to him with a small smile on his face.

"I have to thank you as well, Lord Lucas. If it were not for you, then I wouldn't have been able to know about such a spell. A shame that you weren't able to learn everything from your Master." The court mage said to him with a smile.

"I am just glad that I was able to at least learn this much, though your praise coming from the court mage is something that is rare." Lucas said to him with a smile on his face.

"You can call me Ord, Lord Lucas." The court mage said to him with a smile.

"Well, it is nice to hear that, lord Ord." Lucas said with a smile at that.

"Would you perhaps be interested in learning more spells?" Ord asked him with a smile on his face.

"That would be much appreciated." Lucas said to him with a smile.

"And I would be very glad to know that I will be teaching a war hero of our nation. However, I believe that it's not time for that. We shall discuss the arrangements after some time has passed." Ord said to him with a smile.

"As you say." Lucas said with a smile as he stood up.

Ord nodded in turn and walked out of the room and saw Olivia standing beside the door of the room. She looked at him as he smiled at her before he walked away.

Taking that as her time to go, she walked inside the room as Lucas was getting ready to leave, though he stopped as he spotted her as he gave her a faint smile as she did the same. She had already ordered the knights outside to not get in the room as she closed the door and turned to look at him.

"Sorry that my father asked for your spells so suddenly." Olivia said to him as she gave him a small bow.

"It's fine. Considering how the knowledge of the spells are gone, it's no surprise that he would want it to be added to the archives. Such strong spells would be very instrumental in the protection of the kingdom." Lucas said to her with a small smile and a nod.

"Perhaps. I'm glad that you don't feel offended by it. We had fought together in the war, so I didn't want you to think badly about how my father acts." Olivia said to him as she knew that her father can be a bit too assertive.

Though she knows that it comes with the job as the King, she could think that he could've been a bit less assertive when it came to him. She doesn't want her own relationship with him to be damaged due to her father's habits.

"By the way, what do you wish to do after you return to your home?" Olivia asked him curiously as she looked at him.

"Take care of Falkor and the territory. Soon enough, I will have to find a bride for myself as well, though my parents have given me the permission to find someone, if I don't find one in the allotted time, then they will have me marry someone of their own choosing." Lucas said to her as he remembered the talk.

"Are you against it?" Olivia asked as she frowned at his words.

"Frankly, I am not. Our clan has existed for a long time and I do not intend for it to end with me. Besides, I am sure that I can learn more about my life and have a happy married life if we try hard enough." Lucas said to her with a smile on his face.

"I see." Olivia said with a nod and a smile when she heard that.

'So even if it was an arranged marriage, he will try to make it work huh.' Olivia thought to herself with a smile as she looked at him.

"Do you perhaps have a preference for your woman, Lord Lucas?" Olivia asked him as she looked at him.

"My preference on women you say. Well, if I have to say, then a woman who is loyal to me and is ready to serve beside me. She must also be strong of mind and be able to stand in front of others as my wife without flinching. They could be either strong warriors or knowledgeable scholars, of course the last two aren't that necessary. As long as they love me and are loyal to me, I'm fine with it." Lucas said to her with a shrug as he listed his preference.

"Is that so? That's interesting to hear." Olivia said to him with a smile when she heard that.

"This might be presumptuous of me, but what kind of man do you wish to marry, princess? Of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to as it is still your decision." Lucas said to her with a smile on his face.

"It's fine lord Lucas. To be honest, I wish to marry a man who is strong, both in character and in physical might. I have never liked the other noble children because they are always arrogant and use their families to show themselves to others whilst they don't have any sort of achievements for themselves." Olivia said with a tone of distaste.

"I hear you. I have met and talked with a lot of the other noble children and they are quite arrogant about their household. While I don't have much of a problem with that, since being proud of their own family is a good thing, but that is the only thing they have to say about themselves." Lucas said to her as he had also disliked this nature of the other noble children.

"Of course, that is why I want my husband to be a good warrior and have a good character who can stand in front of others without fear like a leader. Though it is a bit difficult to find such a man amongst the nobles." Olivia said to him seriously.

"I agree. As the future of our kingdom, it is imperative that you find a man who is able to act like a king." Lucas said to her with a nod.

Olivia nodded as she looked at him and he met her gaze as they smiled at each other. Though their intentions are different behind them.

'She is the type of woman I want. But she is also the princess, as for the other two, I don't know if they would want me.' Lucas thought to himself as he looked at her.

'He is the kind of man that I want as my husband, there is no doubt about that. He is a fearsome warrior who has shown his skill and he is also taught by my master's friend, so he has assured me that he is of good character. And he has been polite and humble whenever he conversed with me so that is also a good point.' Olivia thought to herself as she looked at him.

"So, my teacher said that you had completed your training with your master." Olivia said to him as she remembered that fact.

"Yes, it was just before the war as well. I had managed to also impress my master using my sword skills as well. He was very happy when I finished the training." Lucas said to her with a smile on his face.

"I am also proud to tell you that I had also completed my training under my master, though it took some time since I am a woman and I had to adjust the styles, but I managed to complete my training as well." Olivia said to him with a proud smile on her face.

"I see. I had seen your skills with the spear and the enchanted spear gave you a greater edge in the war. You mowed down the enemy soldiers very easily and your strategic mind was also displayed as you had also relayed orders while fighting." Lucas said to her with a smile as he remembered how she had fought.

"I am a warrior, so I have to show my soldiers as the one leading them that I too can fight against the enemy. Not to mention, it will also boost their morale as they see their leader fighting and defeating the enemy." Olivia said to him with a smile.

"I also remember how the soldiers reacted when they saw you fighting and they were renewed with spirit as they saw you fight and kill our enemies. I have no doubt that you will go down as a powerful warrior of the kingdom." Lucas said to her with a smile on his face.

"And I am also quite glad to know that I had the fortune to battle alongside you as well. To he fighting alongside you was a great opportunity for me, and I was also able to see your skills in battle as well. It will also show those Sweden's to not underestimate my kingdom." Olivia said to him with a proud smile on her face.

"Well, I hope that we can continue to have this positive relationship between us, princess." Lucas said to her with a smile on his face.

"Of course, that is what I also wish." Olivia said with a smile as well.

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