Chapter 41

The princess and the nobleman smiled at each other as they praised the other for their battle prowess as they smiled at the praise they got from the other.

"By the way, did the court mage say anything else before he left this room?" Olivia asked him curiously as she wondered what the mage had said to him.

"He said that he wished to teach me in the art of magic, so that I will have more versatility in the future." Lucas said to her as he remembered the words of the man.

"Hmm, I suppose that is what he would want. I have been hearing about the court mage thinking about finding his successors since he is growing older and soon he will have to find someone to take his place to serve the kingdom." Olivia said as she looked at him as he looked at her in turn.

"I suppose. Having an option available would be beneficial for him. But I am also a member of the Larsen clan, and I'm also the only son, it might cause problems for me if he decides to make me his successor, as I will have to juggle both my duties." Lucas said to her with a chuckle as he thought about it.

"Well yes, that is a sound conclusion. As the sole heir of your clan you also have an obligation to it as well. But I think this is something that we need not discuss right now." Olivia said to him as she waved her right hand.

"I agree. So, I believe that there is going to be a giant celebration all over the country for this win now that the nobles had already participated." Lucas said to her as she nodded at him.

"Of course we are going to do that. Now that we have managed to win a war against the enemy Kingdom, it is imperative that we host a massive celebration for it. And since the nobles have also already talked with us and we have conversed, we can now focus on the festival that we are planning to host." Olivia said to him with a nod and a smile.

"I suppose that I will also have a part in this festival due to my contributions?" Lucas asked her as he looked at her.

"You will. You had a pivotal role in bringing victory for us and you are also a war hero as well. Of course, we will need to have you present so that the people can see that their hero is also attending the festivities." Olivia said with a nod to him.

"Alright. Then I will attend the celebration, though if you have more plans then please send a letter beforehand so that I could take care of the affairs in my clan before coming here. I hope you will consider that, your highness." Lucas said to her in a respectful tone as he looked at her.

"Of course, we can't cause any problems for the household of our hero. And while I would like to prolong our conversation as there are still some things I want to ask you, it is getting late and I think your parents would like to get back home." Olivia said to him with a smile.

"It is fine your highness. You're royalty, it is our duty as noblemen to do your bidding." Lucas said to her with a smile on his face as he placed his hand across his chest.

"Perhaps, but I consider you a comrade-in-arms, so I would not be comfortable with troubling you." Olivia said to him with a shake of her head.

"The princess is very kind towards me and my family. I promise you that we will repay your generosity." Lucas said to her as he gave a small bow to her.

"It's not needed. However, I do wish to have a battle with you, without any kind of magic. A battle of pure skill. I want to know the extent of the strength of the one trained by your Master." Olivia said to him as he thought about that.

"It would be my honour, your highness. I would also like to find out about how strong and skilled you are." Lucas said to her as he looked at her.

"Then it is decided. I shall send you a notice regarding the time of the duel. It will be a private spar, no need to have an audience for that and we can fight fully." Olivia said to him as she grinned at him, feeling a bit of excitement at that thought.

"I will eagerly wait for that day, princess." Lucas said to her with a small smile of his own.

"Then I shall take no more of your time. Thank you for taking time to talk with me." Olivia said to him with a smile on her face.

"It was my pleasure, your highness." Lucas said to her with a smile.

Then the two exited the building and he followed her to the throne room again. The knights had already entered the throne room and the court mage is also at the side of the rulers. The arrival of the two of them caught the attention of the people as they looked at them.

Olivia gave him a side glance before she walked towards her parents and then sat on her throne as the three of them looked at him.

"The court mage has told us about the information you have given us and we recognise the help you have given to your country and the royal family. Your rewards shall be given in the coming days." Arvid said to him with a serious face.

"Thank you, your majesty." Lucas said to him in a respectful tone as he gave him a bow.

"The country shall remember your contributions. We shall hold a grand festival to celebrate the victory against our enemy. You are of course needed to attend it so that it will boost the morale of our people." Arvid said to him seriously.

"I would be delighted to participate in the festivities your highness." Lucas said to him respectfully.

"I'm glad to hear that. Then we have no further topics to discuss. I believe your parents have been waiting for a while now, so go back to them and return to your territory." Arvid said to him in regal voice.

"Right away your highness. Thank you for your hospitality." Lucas said as he bowed once and then walked out of the throne room.

After he had left the throne room the people inside looked at the royal family as the king and queen looked at the princess as said princess felt their gazes and looked at her two parents.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Olivia asked as she looked at them.

"Well, what did you talk about with him?" Signe asked her daughter eagerly with a smile on her face.

"I just talked about the future events that are going to happen in our country and we also talked about our fighting styles as well. He has also agreed to have a duel with me at the time of my choosing." Olivia said to her mother with a smile on her face.

"I see. Well, I am happy to hear that." Signe said with her smile still on her face, even though she was a bit disappointed at hearing that.

'Perhaps I need to teach her things about women her age now. I think it's fair since I let my husband influence her long enough.' Signe thought to herself as she looked at her daughter.

'Olivia wants to have a duel with him. That will surely be a sight to see. Though I have a feeling that my wife is making plans of her own. Oh well, it will be interesting to see at the very least.' Arvid thought to himself as he looked between his wife and daughter.

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