Chapter 43

Lucas slashed the air in front of him with his sword as a wind blade was generated due to the force in which he had swung his weapon. Aslaug in retaliation also swung her sword and created a wind blade which collided with his own as the two destroyed each other. The girl then dashed towards him and traded quick and powerful blows with him as she used her slimmer and more flexible body to attack him while Lucas himself also used his strength to his advantage and used powerful strikes to stagger her back and block her attacks.

The bodies of men and women are quite difficult, with men having an advantage in muscular strength and endurance, while women have an advantage in flexibility and speed due to how their bodies are made. Of course, should a person train hard enough then they will be able to bridge the gap between the two genders, but the base strength of both sexes would most likely be the same. Though it also depends on how the person chooses to live as well.

Of course, as a demigoddess, her body is much stronger than that of a normal human, but thankfully, due to the intense training that he had undergone, Lucas's body is able to keep up with her. Not to mention the fact that he also uses magic when he needs a boost in strength. After all, for a human to be able to defeat a demigoddess all on his own, they have to be very strong, but this isn't a battle to the death so he doesn't have to fight that hard. His use of magic is also a source of frustration for her as he would sometimes disappear from the middle of a strike which causes problems for her technique.

"Stay still!" Aslaug shouted as she brought her sword down on his.

Lucas blocked the strike and smirked as he looked at her as she grit her teeth as she put more strength into her arms as she pushed him back a bit. He grunted a bit from the force but then got ahold of himself and pushed her back. She grit her teeth at his strength as she moved their swords to the side and then brought her sword up and slashed, but he parried it and sent a kick to her waist as she was thrown to the side.

He landed on the ground as she skid and looked at him as she kept her feet planted on the ground despite the fact that she was kicked away like that. She then charged at him as he did the same and the two started to trade more blows, but this time the strength they put in their blows were much stronger as the ground cracked and broke from the force of their strikes.

Kriemhild who was watching the spar between the two couldn't help but sweatdrop as she felt the winds rush past her from their clash and also felt the effects of the cracking ground as she gulped at their strength.

"How does one become so strong?" Kriemhild said to herself as she looked at the two warriors going at each other.

As she was thinking and watching that Aslaug did a few combo moves which Lucas either deflected, blocked, or he met them with his own combos as the two fought. But soon he started to overwhelm her as he increased his strength and speed as she felt tremors go through her arms from his attacks as she grit her teeth in response to it.

'Bastard. He keeps on getting stronger.' Aslaug thought to herself as she put more strength into her arms to push him back.

But it was for naught as he sent a kick which caused her balance to break and he sent a swift strike which caused her to be blown back from the force as he dashed towards her. She jumped back and readied herself as he dashed towards her as the two of them locked blades, but she was pushed back from the strength of his blow as she glared at him.

But Lucas just smiled at her and then broke the lock before he swung his sword at her as she did the same as the two traded blow after blow and she could see that his sword was getting more chipped as they kept at it. Her own sword being given to her by her parent, is obviously stronger than the weapons created and used by normal humans, so it is still in pristine condition despite the beatdown it receives.

But that didn't help when the strength and skill of her opponent was much better than her own. Even if she loathed to admit it, Lucas is a very powerful and skilled warrior. After all, even if he has used magic, the fact that he was able to defeat her when they had first met already spoke about his strength. Which is the reason as to why she wanted to defeat him, after all, the fact that a demigoddess like her was defeated by a human was something that was hard for her to swallow.

'In the first place, the thought of a normal human having the strength to defeat a demigoddess should be laughable. A normal human should never be able to defeat a demigoddess like myself, and yet her did defeat me. I can't have that. I have to show him and myself that I am strong. That a demigoddess like me can't be defeated by a mortal.' Aslaug thought to herself as she looked at him.

They locked blades again as she put more force and pushed him back and sent a barrage of attacks towards him as his eyes widened at her sudden attack. But he regained his composure and met her attacks with his own as he wasn't lacking in speed as well as he met her sword strikes. But he was also accurately aware of the cracks forming on his blade as well.

'Figures. I really need to get myself a good sword.' Lucas thought to himself as he resorted to using magic to make sure the sword is able to be used.

The two kept on trading blows but Lucas was starting to gain the upper hand again as his strikes became more faster and stronger as the ground under Aslaug cracked more and more as she parried and blocked his attacks as she was starting to get irritated by his strength.

She then sent a powerful slash towards him as he blocked it using his sword as it cracked more but it was held together using his magic as he narrowed his eyes and then coated the sword in his magic and dished out more powerful strikes at her as she was forced on the defensive due to the power and speed of his attacks.

Then he did a tricky maneuver using the sword and managed to free the sword from her grip as he flung it into the air as she was shocked by it before he placed the tip of his sword right in front of her neck as she looked at him. Her sword fell a few feet away from them as it stabbed into the ground and dug into the ground.

"I lost." Aslaug said to him as she sighed.

"I'm glad that you can admit that fact." Lucas said to her with a smile.

He looked at his sword as he removed the magic covering it as the blade was fully cracked and the moment he stopped his magic, the blade shattered and fell. But he used his magic to gather them as he put them in a bag. He saw no reason to waste the metal used for the sword.

Meanwhile Kriemhild let out a sigh of relief when the battle ended. But she looked at the surroundings of the two combatants. The ground is cracked and broken, there were gashes on the ground and some trees which were unfortunate enough to be at the end of their attacks have either deep slashes on them, or were completely sliced off.

'I really need to get more training.' Kriemhild thought to herself as she looked at the two monsters in front of her.

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