Chapter 44

Lucas read the book in his hand as he drank some tea in his mansion. After the spar with Aslaug, he thought that this is a good moment to relax for a bit. Which is why Aslaug and Kriemhild are also relaxing with him at the garden of his mansion, surrounded by the shrubbery of the family.

He is quite proud of the garden that they have as it is very beautiful to look at and gives a serene aura to the mansion which he is happy about, as he can feel at least in them.

Though that doesn't mean that he is about to let down his guard, that's a fool's way of thinking, even if he is in his mansion, he isn't about to let his guard down. Something that Aslaug and Kriemhild knows as they are also on guard, a sentiment he appreciates from them.

"So, just how strong are you? You can break the ground with your strength, move faster than most men, and can also use a rare form of magic as well. Just how did you achieve such strength?" Kriemhild asked him as she looked at him curiously.

She had seen their fight and she was enamored by the strength the two of them possessed. She had seen him fight in the war, but she was also taking part in it and she had to make sure to keep herself alive as well.

So she didn't have the time to watch him fully as she had to focus on her enemies first. The next time she has seen him fight was with Falkor against the two dragons and she was very much surprised and impressed by his strength.

She also came to the realisation that he could've defeated the army she was with much quickly if he had bothered to use his magic. Which made her realise that he didn't think that they were a threat that needed him to use magic.

It... was a humbling thought to her. That despite the monstrous strength that he had shown, he hadn't gone all in in the fight, which showed the disparity of their skills and strength.

Which is why she wanted to learn how he had become so strong, so that she could also become as strong as he is. That is also another reason as to why she had decided to follow him after all.

"Training. Lots and lots of training. Enough to make your body scream in protest, your bones in shock, your muscles in such a state that they can't even move without a jolt of pain, the lungs burning from the exertion as you push the body beyond its limits to make it stronger." Lucas said to her as he drank his tea, even though what he had just said was quite grim.

"I see. I guess I understand what you mean, you cannot gain such strength without such hard work." Kriemhild said to him as she nodded to his words.

"Hmph! That's only for your race. I on the other hand am powerful from the day of my birth." Aslaug said in a haughty tone.

Kriemhild looked at the girl and she couldn't help but agree. After all, the girl, despite her size is able to fight with him and she had seen how she had fought in the war and how she had slaughtered the enemies. She has also heard her laughing as she killed them, thoroughly enjoying killing them all.

Though she doesn't know much about this warrior girl, as her information was not given to her by Lucas and he seems to be stopping the girl from revealing anything as well.

But she can tell that she is really haughty about her strength as she can see by how much the girl is inclined to talk about herself, only being stopped by Lucas who always interjects and stops her from speaking more.

Kriemhild wished he would stop doing that as she wanted to learn more about this girl, but alas, she doesn't have the luxury of learning that as he doesn't allow the girl to talk much, a vexing situation if she were to comment about it.

"I don't deny it. Humans are weak after all. Unless we push our minds and bodies to the limit, we won't be able to go past those said limits, otherwise we will always stay the same weak creatures that we are." Lucas said to them as he looked at them.

"But we do have magic with us after all. With it we can become stronger." Kriemhild said to him as she had heard about people using magic to strengthen their bodies.

Of course, the process needed quite a few materials which were needed to be used to make the body powerful, but the results were telling, however she had heard that the materials needed to do that are quite difficult to come by.

"That may be so. But the ingredients needed to accomplish that are quite hard to come by. Only the most wealthy of the people would be able to afford to do such a thing after all. Not to mention the fact that some of the ingredients are very rare to come by, you'd have to be very lucky to get them." Lucas said to her as he sipped his tea.

"I see. I guess both have their merits and demerits." Kriemhild said as she nodded at his words.

"Well, I suppose that would be the case. Things that can cause humans to suddenly gain more strength aren't something that is going to be common after all." Aslaug said with a haughty tone at that.

"Don't forget that I defeated you before and I haven't done the magic to strengthen myself, it was by my own efforts. Humans are able to reach the strength of your kind." Lucas said to her as he finished his drink.

"Well, only those of you who have trained very hard. But those of my kind are far superior to the rest of you." Aslaug said as she pointed at Kriemhild.

Said woman felt her eyebrows twitch at that, but she didn't retort he accusation, knowing full well how right she is. She doesn't know what race she is from, but she can understand that they are very much stronger than normal humans, so much so that they could match a good warrior of their own race without much difficulty.

"I can't deny it. But I will get stronger and reach your level miss Aslaug." Kriemhild said as she looked at the girl in front of her.

In response to it Aslaug just chuckled haughtily as she finished her snacks and drank her drink before she fixed the woman with an amused smile on her face.

"I will look forward to that Kriemhild." Aslaug said to her with a smile on her face.

Kriemhild kept her gaze on the girl as they stared at each other for a few moments, then Aslaug chuckled and broke the stare and then stood up.

"I believe that I have spent enough time here. Have a good day." Aslaug said to them before she walked away.

"Thank you." Kriemhild said to her politely.

'At least she said good day.' Lucas thought to himself as he watched her leave.

He just hoped that the two of them would get along. He doesn't want to get in between two squabbling women after all. He didn't need that, nope, he would just let them figure it out themselves if they did however, as he didn't find any merit in then fighting each other anyways.

'Well, let's just hope that things will go smoothly.' Lucas thought to himself as he ate some snacks and looked at the sky.

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