Chapter 45

Eric threw the glass of alcohol across the room as it shattered after hitting the wall as the four maids who were serving him flinched from the violent action as they looked at him with slight fear. But the prince himself didn't care about their reactions as he had a pissed off expression as he glared at the wall.

"My reputation has been tarnished and that damned boy is hailed as a hero!" Eric shouted in anger as the maids flinched again from his loud voice.

After the end of the war, Eric's reputation in the kingdom had plummeted, no surprise that it has happened of course, as it was him who had decided to start the war with the other country.

And their country has lost the war and was humiliated and lost two dragons under their control. And have also been shown to be inferior to their enemy, which has hurt the sentiments of many of the country as well.

The other noble families of the kingdom were also of the same mind as they didn't like the fact that they had been defeated, but the public opinion about the prince has also decreased due to it and the word about Lucas's fighting skill and power are known throughout the country.

And many in the kingdom were shocked at the power the man wielded and were also in awe at the fact that he had fought against two dragons while riding a wyvern and killing them. Killing dragons was of course, an event that was usually seen in myths and legends, and there has already been a few songs being created in both kingdoms regarding the man.

And Eric absolutely hated it. He loathed Lucas with all his might as he knew that the reason the war had ended so quickly was because of the presence of the man and that they would've won the war with the use of the two dragons if he wasn't present.

But now, because of the fact that the boy was there, he lost the two dragons under his kingdom's control, their armies lost to the enemy kingdom, his reputation has plummeted due to instigating the war, and word amongst the nobles aren't in favour towards him.

All in all, Eric wanted to get revenge with Lucas, but he didn't know what he would be able to do to the man, which is why he is drinking so much and also why the maids were scared, as they didn't know whether he would attack and hit them in his anger or not.

He grabbed another glass of alcohol and drank it quickly as the maid quickly went and filled it again as he emptied it inside his stomach as he let out a breath of air as he glared at the cup with a flushed face as he grinded his teeth as the maids looked at him in fear.

"Leave me alone." Eric said to them in a commanding voice as the maids flinched again.

"Yes my prince." The maids said in unison before they filed out of his room and closed the door behind them.

After they left he reclined on the soft couch that he was sitting on as he looked out of the balcony into the sky as he felt his anger as he grit his teeth and sat there. He watched the sky and glared at it, as if his glare would do anything as he thought about Lucas.

"I'm make him suffer. Even if it's the last thing I do." Eric said with anger and through gritted teeth as he thought about the man.

He is a member of royalty and as such is in a higher level than the nobles. And yet, a boy born to a noble house has the audacity to fight against him and humiliate him in front of his army and his people and bring shame upon his family and himself.

He will not stand it. He will find a way to get his revenge on the boy, no matter what happens and he will make sure that the boy will regret ever daring to stand against him. And he will not show any mercy to him and make him woe the day he was born.

'But what? I could ask the court mage but they also have one as well and I don't know if that boy is hiding anything else he can use. If only I can get something that can help with my revenge.' Eric thought to himself as he growled in anger.

He hated feeling like he couldn't do anything to the brat. No one who dares to stand against him and insults his pride gets to walk away freely, and yet that boy did. And it has been grating on his nerves ever since.

As he was thinking, his eyes widened when a cloaked man suddenly appeared on his balcony as he blinked in confusion.

'Did I start to hallucinate after drinking so much?' Eric thought to himself as he looked at the figure with narrowed eyes.

"I assure you that you are not hallucinating." The figure said in a male voice catching him off guard.

Eric's eyes widened immediately when he heard the voice from the figure as he realised that he isn't hallucinating as he immediately stood up from the couch as he looked at the figure.

"Who are you?" Eric asked as he was ready to shout for the guards.

"I am here because I want to help you." The cloaked figure said to him in a calm voice.

"Help me?" Eric asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I know that you wish to get revenge against the man who had defeated this great country in the war. And I also wish to see his death as well. I thought that it would be best if the two of us joined forces against him." The man said to him as he stood at his place.

"You also wish to see his defeat?" Eric asked him as he kept his gaze on the man.

"Of course. That boy had interfered and caused problems for me and I wish to make him pay for it." The man said to him with a nod.

"Then why didn't you do so yourself? If you have enough power to suddenly appear here then you can probably take care of him." Eric said to him as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"That would be true. However, if I kill him so quickly, it will not bring me satisfaction. What I want is to make him suffer and then kill him as he sees the ones who caused his suffering. That would bring me the utmost joy from it." The man said to him with a smile.

"Even if that is the case. Why approach me?" Eric asked as he calmed down a bit.

"Because you are the prince and so hold considerable power. And you also share my hatred for the boy and so I thought that we should join forces against him." The man said to him in a calm voice.

"And what will you do after your revenge has been completed?" Eric asked him as he looked him over.

"I will return back to my travels. After all, I have no intentions of staying in the same place. After my revenge has been completed, I shall take my leave." The man said to him with a nod.

Eric kept his gaze at the man as he thought about the words of the man. He didn't feel any deceit from his words and from his own words, he was only here because of his hatred for Lucas, something which he also shared. And from what he had seen just now, he has considerable power as well.

This will only serve to help him in his revenge and he isn't sure if the court mage would be willing to lend his help in the matter as he wouldn't want to escalate things further. And considering how his father isn't pleased by the events of the war, he won't be at speaking terms at the moment.

'This might be a chance for me to get revenge on him. And if he leaves after it then it will be good for me as well.' Eric thought to himself as he thought about it.

'He is too prideful, but, that is something that can be exploited after all. This will be interesting to see.' The man thought to himself as he knew what the prince was thinking.

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