Chapter 46

"Now that's a good boy." Lucas said as he was petting Falkor.

He is currently flying with the wyvern as he wanted to make sure that he had the ability to fly freely without anyone being afraid of it attacking. Even if he is his wyvern, the people will naturally be scared about a creature of its size.

But he didn't mind it that much as he enjoyed flying with Falkor, as it was a way for him to be alone from his otherwise noble life. It is good, he will admit and having people around him and treating him with respect is a good thing, but sometimes he just wants to be left alone to enjoy some time alone.

He looked at the kingdom from above and it was a bit cloudy so the people probably hadn't noticed them. Not to mention the fact that people don't usually look up so it would work in his favour.

He has also been having his boys keep a watch around the kingdom for any kind of suspicious movement. Considering how the prince has acted, he doesn't want to let down his guard in case the prince wants to get revenge and he won't be able to get it.

No matter how strong he is, underestimating someone will end in his defeat, and perhaps his own death as well. The life he lives is one that is fraught with dangers after all, and considering his achievements and the things he has accomplished, he will have the attention of many groups.

That would also include the more unsavory ones as well. Which is why he wants to make sure that he is always prepared to fight against anything that might threaten his life, as he doesn't want to end up dead.

'Not to mention, the girls should also be finished training now.' Lucas thought to himself as his mind went back to the boys whom he had made into his servants.

While it is true that girls are usually taken as slaves by the other families, it doesn't mean that he wouldn't be able to find them. He has found women who had become slaves due to being orphaned and taken in by other nobles.

But their lives were much more traumatic than the boys since they were taken by the nobles and used as they wished. Which is why when he had reached them, the first thing he did was try to reassure them that he wouldn't hurt them.

They were scared and frightened and considering the fact that they all were slaves for nobles and we're quite young, he had spent the better part of his time with trying to earn their trust and faith. Which, while being a bit difficult, he managed to do it after a good amount of time.

The amount of girls he had liberated is quite large, and they have also been watched by the boys that he had trained. They are the closest to the girls after him since he had worked to make sure that they trust him.

And amongst them, there were a few girls who wanted to serve him in the same way that Alpha and the other boys served him. He gave them a test and seeing their loyalty towards him he decided to teach them.

Though they weren't ready when the war started and now their training was mostly complete, as he had learned today when Alpha had come and relayed the information to him. Though he is happy that the girls are so willing to learn to be of use to him.

So, this also became a time for him to think of a way to use the girls in a productive way. After all, girls have their own skill set that they can use in situations after all. As long as he is able to give them the correct knowledge and use them efficiently, he will be able to gather the necessary info he needs and also do many things he wants.

His thoughts were interrupted when Falkor growled as he looked at his friend. He looked around to see if there were any dangers but he didn't find anything of that sort. He then rubbed his friend's head as the wyvern let out a pleased growl in response as he smiled at hearing the voice.

'Did he sense something? Falkor doesn't make a noise like that often.' Lucas thought to himself as he looked around the sky.

He also used his magic to take a look, but he didn't find anything amiss amongst the sky or anywhere else as he didn't know what he was looking for. He kept up with being vigilant for a few more minutes before he decided to drop it.

"It looks like there isn't anybody here, Falkor." Lucas said to his friend as he petted him.

Falkor made a noise in response to it as they flew through the air, but he didn't find anything there and he also couldn't see anything using his magic as well. So he came to a conclusion as he thought about what he had learned.

'Either it's that no one is really spying on us and it's just Falkor's instincts being incorrect. Or, the person spying on us is powerful and skilled enough to hide his tracks from me. If it's the latter then it means that I have garnered the attention of a powerful magic user.' Lucas thought to himself as he sighed to himself.

'Whatever the case may be, I should just make sure to keep my eyes and ears open for anything that might be out of the ordinary.' Lucas thought to himself as he kept his sights on the air around him.

At the same time, the two of them were being watched through a crystal ball as the cloaked man was looking at it as he smiled under his hood.

'He is cautious without a doubt and his wyvern is also good as well as it was able to feel my gaze. He might just be what I need.' The cloaked man thought to himself as he smiled at the sight of the boy.

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