Chapter 47

"My Lord, is this truly the right course of action." A soldier asked Eric as the group of soldiers were walking through a cave tunnel.

"Yes. This is the way to get back the respect that I had lost because of our enemies." Eric said to him with a glare at the soldiers.

The soldier's flinched at his glare as they knew that they couldn't and shouldn't do anything that might anger him. After all, as the prince of their kingdom, he can do anything he wants to them as he so wished. So doing anything to displease him as it might be dangerous to them.

They also don't know what it is that their prince wants to find for himself in the cave, but as soldiers it is their duty to follow his orders and so that is what they are doing.

The soldier at the front of the group held his torch as he walked forward followed by the rest of the group as he kept his gaze all around him to make sure that he wasn't taken by surprise by anything in the cave.

They silently but methodically advanced into the cave as the soldiers kept their eyes peeled while Eric also looked around and made sure that they are going in the correct direction.

'If what that mage has told me is true, then we should be reaching the place by following this path.' Eric thought to himself as he walked as he was surrounded by his soldiers.

They kept on walking for a few more minutes until they reached a wall covered in Nordic runes. The soldiers who saw ur looked at it with wide eyes as they glanced at their prince in confusion as to what to do.

Eric meanwhile looked at the wall with wide eyes as it correlated with the information that he had gotten from the mage. A smile appeared on his face when he saw it as he walked forward.

"Make way." Eric said as the soldiers parted for him to walk.

He walked past the soldiers and stood in front of the wall as he looked at it and then he took out the scroll that he was given by the mage as he looked at it. He made sure that it was in the right direction before he looked at it and then at the wall.

He then took out a gem infused with magical energy and looked at the and then at the runes on the wall. He raised the stone as it glowed in a green light and he started to drag it over the runes.

He looked at the scroll in his hand and at the instructions and then at the wall and the runes. He then started to use the stone to draw over the runes in an order as they glowed as he kept on drawing over the runes one after the other as they glowed one after the other.

Soon all the runes on the wall started to glow as the soldiers watched with wide eyes at what they were seeing their prince doing. They watched as all the runes glowed in a golden light before the entire wall started to glow as it blinded the eyes of the soldiers and the prince.

When the light stopped and the soldiers and Prince opened their eyes they saw that the wall in front of them had disappeared as they looked at it in surprise. Eric took a few moments to process the information before he walked through the place where the wall was.

The sight that greeted him was that of a dome like place which is covered in ancient markings and platform made using ancient architecture as they looked at the place as the soldiers walked inside.

In the middle of the room was an elevated small platform which held a prism shaped object using stone-like material which is covered in ancient runes as Eric looked at the scroll which has the drawing of the same prism shaped object.

"This is it." Eric said to himself with a smile as he looked at the thing.

He went near it and signalled for a soldier to go take it. The soldier at the front hesitantly stepped forward and went and picked up the prism and held it in his hands before he showed it to his prince.

Eric looked at the prism in wonder as he held it in his hands as he looked at the scroll one more time before he held the charged stone in his hand and then stabbed it onto the prism.

The prism started to glow in the same golden light as the wall as Eric's smile widened as the soldiers grew restless when seeing it as they looked at their prince in worry and fear as the light blinded them and filled the rest of the dome as they were blinded by it.


"*Gasp!*" Lucas gasped in shock as he sat straight from his place on the top of the mansion.

He looked at his chest where a few runes were inscribed on himself as they were faintly glowing while he felt pain course through his body as he held a hand over the runes.

'These runes are supposed to warn me about great danger. What could have happened for them to activate now?' Lucas thought to himself as he looked at himself in apprehension.

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