Chapter 48

Lucas looked at the Alpha who is standing in front of him seriously as the man is looking at him a bit nervously while being looked at by Lucas very seriously. Lucas is the de facto leader of the boys and when he isn't leading them and giving them jobs then it's his duty to make sure that they work correctly.

"So you got nothing unusual to report?" Lucas asked him seriously as he sat in his chair.

"No sir. We did a check just as you had told us to, but we haven't found anything unusual happening inside the country. Even in the other noble families or around the royal palace." Alpha said to him seriously with a nod.

Lucas narrowed his eyes at that as he reclined on the chair he is sitting on as he closed his eyes and thought about it. The runes are really useful and powerful ones which acts like it when a great danger to the user is afoot.

Which is the reason why he had decided to use it on himself so that he will be able to know if there is going to be danger to him. So he is sure about the fact that something which would be dangerous for him is about to happen, but he doesn't know what.

"If that is the case, then whatever is happening is outside of our country." Lucas said as he looked at the boy in front of him.

"What do you mean master Lucas?" Aloha asked him as he looked at him.

"I believe that something of great danger to us is about to happen. But I don't have any idea about what it is. It is the reason as to why I had given the order." Lucas said to him seriously.

"Oh. Then should we keep on looking? It is better to be cautious about it after all." Alpha said to him as he looked at him.

"Yes. Try to keep a lookout in our country and the borders. As for things outside of Norway, I'll take a look at them." Lucas said to him seriously as he closed his eyes.

"As you say Master Lucas. I hope that you succeed in your endeavour." Alpha said to him as he gave him a bow.

"You too. Give my regards to the rest of them. And also take care of the training of the girls as well." Lucas said to him with a small smile on his face.

"Of course." Alpha said to him before he left the room.

Lucas watched him go before he sighed to himself and then went to the secret part of his room and opened a chest and pulled out a crystal ball. Then he placed his hand on it and used his magic and then he was able to spy on the city.

It was an artifact that he had managed to obtain from a lost ruin, most of the things in the ruins had been destroyed or damaged due to a cave in of the ruin, but the crystal ball was something which was protected tightly so it was relatively unscathed bar some dust on it.

He has also gotten his hands on some Tomes which he has in this secret part of his room which he used to learn more about magic. He is quite glad that he had got it as it is a very useful magic tool to possess.

It allowed him to spy on other places with greater ease, and his usage of Space magic allowed him greater mastery over it. It is also the reason why he is able to learn about places that he was unable to go to initially.

And so with that hope he looked at the crystal ball and waited for it to show the kingdom of Sweden. But he frowned when he couldn't see anything in it as he grew concerned as it hadn't done that before when he was spying on the enemy kingdom.

'Okay, so the one in the kingdom has enough power to block the view of my crystal ball.' Lucas thought to himself with a frown.

He then gave it a few more tries as he used more power but it all ended with him not being able to see the kingdom. It caused him more concern as it meant that there was someone in the other kingdom powerful enough to actually stop him from seeing the kingdom.

'But who could it be? It certainly wasn't anyone I knew. And the timing is off. If Sweden had such a powerful magic user who was able to stop my crystal ball, then why didn't they use him? Or maybe...' Lucas thought to himself as he closed his eyes and thought about it.

He remembered how many of the higher ranked officers and royal family looked and he didn't see anyone of much note or magical power. Aside from their court mage, nothing else seemed to indicate that there was a great user of magic amongst them.

"Which means that this magic user was someone who had appeared in the other kingdom recently. But why now? Are they planning to use this opportunity to gain an alliance? A powerful magic user would be nice to have alongside the court mage." Lucas thought to himself as he tried to come up with a scenario as to why the mage would be helping now.

There were many scenarios to choose from. Money, Territory, Power, Respect and many other things which would be a huge help to the mage, especially from a kingdom which had lost in war. A powerful magic used is a great asset to a kingdom as not many people toil to become a powerful magician after all.

And the defeat of the kingdom of Sweden in the war would be a good opportunity for any opportunistic mage to take advantage of and reap benefits. But the problem with that is that he doesn't know how strong they are or where they come from or what their background is.

And that is not mentioning the fact that the runes had activated which had alerted to him that some of great danger to him was happening. And he could infer that it might be because of the powerful mage as well.

'Maybe they have already finished with what they had wanted to do. If that is the case, then it is going to be bad for me. And if it's the prince that the mage has gone to, then it would be logical to assume that the guy wants revenge against me.' Lucas thought to himself about it.

"I don't have enough information to understand what is happening. But until I get more information, I should be more cautious." Lucas muttered to himself as he stores the crystal ball back and left the room.

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