Chapter 49

Eske frowned as he sat on his throne as the last defeat of their kingdom against their enemy country of Norway. He had thought that they would have been able to beat the kingdom with the dragons that they have with them, and considering the fact that he has his own court mage, he was fairly certain that they would have been able to defeat the army.

But the sudden arrival of that boy and his help in the war changed the tides causing them to lose the war and the two dragons. He was obviously displeased with what had happened as he had just lost to their enemies which will be a blow to the pride of his family.

But he is also a bit relieved as they have managed to come to an agreement which isn't too exploitive. The fact that the contract was good enough to allow for them to maintain their rule was a good thing, even if they have to give the other kingdom money monthly and also have to give up the rights of the crystal cave as well.

There was also the fact that it took a lot of their resources to take care of the two dragons, as the food and maintenance for the two beasts took a lot, the only reason that they were even able to take care of them was because of the fact that he is the king.

Now that they have died, he can use the funds that he had redirected for the dragons for other things that might help the kingdom. He is a greedy king, but he also knows about what to do in certain situations, while also making sure that his kingdom and the rule of his family will continue on.

The reason he had agreed to his son's request for the war was because he knew that the bad blood between the two royal families had been simmering for too long. It would soon reach the point where the two would go at an all out war for the honour of their respective family.

So, the current war also helped on quelling some of the anger between the two royal families and kingdoms, and even if he wasn't pleased with the defeat, he can confess that the result of the war was much more favourable than he had envisioned.

'But considering how my son is, he might do something reckless due to his pride. Of course, there is no problem with having pride, but letting it blind you is a terrible thing. Something which I had experienced myself in my youth. I suppose he got that from me as well.' Eske thought to himself as he sighed as he sat on the throne.

He sighed at the thought of his son as he is quite prideful and reckless. The king could see his younger self in his son, but his son is more arrogant than he had been in his youth and it worried him as he is the one who will become king after his time.

Thankfully, his wife is currently in her private chambers so he doesn't have to talk to her about the kingdoms affairs and his daughter is also in her room as well. He had told her to stay in her room and she has been a good girl and has followed his order and stayed in her room.

He currently isn't in the mood to see his daughter, not right after the defeat of his kingdom against their enemy. Not to mention the fact that he has to make sure that his people aren't too dissatisfied with the defeat and does anything that might threaten the two countries to go to war again.

'Even if the war only took place in a much shorter time, the fact that so many soldiers of our side shows how devastating it would have been if it had gone for more. Thankfully the death of the two dragons served to make our soldier's will to wane.' Eske thought to himself as he looked at the sky and contemplated it.

And there is also the fact that Lucas, the swordsman from Norway, had defeated two dragons on his own with the help of a wyvern. A feat that was witnessed by no short amount of people as both soldiers were shocked by what they had seen.

A human killing a dragon was something that was only heard of in their legends and now someone has actually managed to defeat not one, but two dragons on his own. Such a feat would no doubt cause the boy to become famous amongst the populace of both kingdoms.

Even if they aren't really religious as they have been in the past, the people of both kingdoms still follow the Gods that they have worshipped and have great respect for powerful warriors. And owing to that, despite the fact that he is the reason for the defeat of his army, most people will start to idolize him for his power. After all, the Gods are an integral part of their culture.

But he has also noticed that his own son doesn't hold the same views as the rest. He doesn't believe in the Gods and is pretty arrogant about himself, and thinks that as the prince he could do what he wants without any consequences from others.

He doesn't believe in the honour of a warrior and their strength, and believes that his royal blood will get him what he wants. He had also been raised with the teachings of their Gods and he also possesses a sense of honour as well, something which he has noticed that his son lacks.

And now his son is drowning in alcohol and his anger and he doesn't know what he should do to placate him. He doubts that his son will accept the defeat considering how he has been acting ever since their defeat against Norway.

He rubbed his forehead at all the myriad thoughts that were running through his head due to what had happened. He has to make sure that his people are satisfied while also making sure that his son doesn't do anything stupid that might jeopardize the position of their family amongst their people.

'When he gets back I should have a talk with him about our customs and culture and make him accept the defeat. Otherwise I don't know what he will do in his anger.' Eske thought to himself as he looked at his attendant.

"Inform me immediately when my son returns. And also bring me some jewellery for my wife and daughter." Eske said to the attendant as he bowed to him.

"As you wish, your majesty." The attendant said to him as he quickly went to relay the orders.

Eske reclined on his throne and sighed and hoped that it would all be fine for him and his kingdom. He doesn't want to be embroiled in another conflict after the war, and he especially doesn't want it to be started by his own son.

'I truly hope that you won't let your emotions control you, son.' Eske thought to himself as he thought about his son.

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