Family Feud

Blake grasped his head from the sudden migraine that hit him. With the support of Mr. Martin, he was accompanied to the VIP ward where Emma will be transmitted to.

Miss Hannah's assertion kept tolling in his head till they got to the ward. “Was? What do you mean by that?” he queried. 

Miss Hannah sat beside him with a small sigh, she traded glances with Mr. Martin who nodded his head as a go-ahead. 

They are not just here because of Emma but also for another reason they haven't had the prospect to talk with Blake about it.

“Your Mother was married to Gerald, my late elder brother and the founder of Gold Corp but she vanished with you and your sister after his death”

She halted to take in Blake's retort, surprisingly, he didn't say or do anything. “You were only ten years old then” she added, pausing for the second time to give room for Blake to talk and his next question took them off guard. 

“Why? Why did she leave?” he asked. Miss Hannah coughed, trying to avoid his searing gaze.  

“That is—” she was interrupted by the sound of a stretcher being moved into the room with Emma lying unconscious on it. 

With the abrupt interruption, their conversation was cut short. “Emma!” Blake screamed, jumping up from his seat. 


A  man sat in his exquisite living room, surrounded by decadence—ornate furnishings, gilded accents, and expensive artwork.

But his demeanor was anything but serene. With clenched fists and furrowed brows, his rage simmered beneath the surface, palpable in the tension radiating from his every movement. 

His eyes blazed with an intensity that contrasted sharply with the luxurious surroundings, reflecting the storm brewing within him. 

He picked up the flower vase close to him, shattering it into irreparable pieces. Standing up in outrage, he slapped the man in front of him. 

“You reported to me that Blake was dead, how is he back and alive?” he spat, turning the living room upside down. 

“I am sorry Mr. Richardson, it was my mistake” the man pleaded with his hand flying to his cheeks where he was just slapped. 

The middle-aged man strode around in his living room, his head depleted with different creeks of thoughts. It has been so many years, he did not think that his brother's family would ever come back again. 

“He is going to take all the shares from me, the stupid will Gerald left stated that I am to give him 25% of my shares when Blake is of age to run the company” he lingered. 

He stood in the same spot for a while, took the small pocket knife on the table, and threw it at the man, slightly injuring his face. 

“I was happy none of them would be a hindrance to me and now what? I also took his mother's 6% of shares, if he takes everything, I will be left with just 15% and he will become the majority shareholder” 

With each word he mentioned, his face became stiffer, harder, and cold. Being the CEO has never been his concern, he plans to make his eldest daughter the owner of Gold Crop. 

He would have been able to achieve that if only Blake hadn't shown up out of the moon, the news is everywhere. 

“I have worked so hard, for 21 years, I have protected the company, and given the management rights to someone else. I have done everything. My brother wouldn't have achieved the success I did for the company” he hyperventilated. 

“I will never let him take everything away from me, that little boy brought doom to himself for coming back. He should have stayed hidden forever, but since he didn't think of doing that, I will make him disappear eternally!” 


Two Days later..

The news of the new CEO of Gold Corp has been on everyone's lips for the past two days. Everyone is eager to know who he is and what he looks like. 

The thought of the kind of power he exudes keeps people on their toes, it would be better for them not to get into the bad book of a powerful person who can decide to do whatever he likes with their lives. 

As much as constitutions exist in all countries, sometimes, money, power, and connection are the rulers of all, everyone knows that.

The Jones were also not left out in the news, Maria, Mrs Jones, and Jeffery were in the living room, watching the news about the mysterious CEO that is still hidden from the rest of the world. 

It has been two days since the divorce and Blake did not come back, he didn't come to pack his pathetic luggage, what does he have though? 

Right now, Maria and Jeffery are planning their wedding. She also found out yesterday that she is pregnant but of course, for Jeffery. 

Maria will wash the baby out of her if by mistake she gets pregnant for Blake, she can't let a smelly blood that stinks of poverty form a baby in her. 

Mrs Jones sat opposite Jeffery with a wide smile on her face. “How was your visit to the new CEO of Gold Corp? You said he is your friend” Jeffery coughed at her question. 

His face reddened, seeing that everyone's attention was on him. That was a lie, he wanted to demonstrate to Blake that he has connections with the most powerful family in the world. 

It was just for that moment. Jeffery has never met any of the Richardsons, they would never want to meet someone like him. 

He might be from a rich family but compared to the Richardons, he is not up to the smallest of their toenails. They will crush him if he harbors the thought of rubbing shoulders with them. 

He hesitantly looked at them with an awkward smile on his face, he wouldn't let himself get caught in his lies. 

“Yes…I met with him yesterday. I also told him about your family and he agreed to a partnership with your company too, in the future” Jeffery lied smoothly. 

Both Mrs Jones's and Maria's faces brightened up in excitement. “This is why I chose you to be my son-in-law, the idiotic one that left was so useless but you are different” Mrs Jones praised. 

The thought of partnering up with the biggest company in the world was everything to them and they couldn't stop imagining how rosy their future is going to be. 

“I will rub this on Blake's face and remind him again of how worthless he is if I happen to cross paths with him again. I know he will come back begging for money” Maria laughed. 

She knew she made the right choice by being with Jeffery. As she was about to run to hug Jeffery, their doorbell rang, moving their attention to the door. 

The housekeeper got the door opened and a delivery man came in. “Good afternoon ma'am, you have a delivery” he announced to Maria. 

“Miss Jones, right?” the delivery man asked. Maria exchanged glances with her mother, she did not order for anything. 

“Yes” she replied. “Please sign here” Maria collected the book and signed, a black box was handed to her. 

After the delivery man left, she curiously tore the wraps away, opening the box to see four cards in them. 

Inquisitive to see the content of the card, she opened one and to everyone's surprise, it was from the Richardson’s family, the content was satisfying enough to make them freeze in shock and excitement. 

“You have been invited to the inauguration party of the new CEO of Gold Corp” 

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