The Introduction

Blake's eyes followed her every move as she spoke. He couldn't comprehend anything from her statement earlier.  

“Who are you?” he inquired, trying to hold the roadside seat for support. The stress he went through during the day was starting to take effect on his body as he wobbled.

The lady ambled a bit closer, taking in Blake's formation. “You don't look okay, we can talk after I get you treated. Please come with me” she indicated. 

Blake creased his brows, his gaze became intense as he took a few steps back. Maria and Jeffery must be playing a stunt on him. 

This might be a plan to exterminate him and flinghis body into the ocean. That way, no one will ever find out of his whereabouts. 

With his hand on his hurting stomach, Blake raised his head the second he heard a light chuckle from the mysterious woman. 

She dipped her hand into her bag, bringing out her business card. “I am glad I brought this, it looks like you have a little trust issue” she beamed, handing the card to him. 

Right there, Hannah Richardson was boldly written there. Blake peeked at her for a few seconds upon seeing her name. 

He goggled between her and the card after realizing who she was.

The woman right in front of him is Hannah Richardson, the general manager of Gold Corp and also the younger sister to George Richardson, the founder of the company. 

Blake mentally whizzed for failing to acknowledge who she was. Her face has been on the television and in newspapers for a good amount of time, he just realized that. 

But why is she here for him? “Are you not going to hop in? I won't hurt you” she assured and waited patiently by the car for him to make his decision. 

After thinking for a while, Blake moved closer and entered the car. He needed a drive anyway, the day was getting darker than it was a while ago. 

He also needed to know about himself, no one would do a better job than a member of the Richardson. 

Miss Hannah got into the car with a smile on her face after she discreetly instructed one of her guards “Find out who did this to him” 

The first thing she noticed as she got into the car was the shiny necklace on his neck. She knew what the necklace was, it might look ordinary like every other extravagant jewelry out there but it's not. 

“It's obvious you do not know the use of your necklace, do you think it's for fashion?” she asked, bringing Blake’s attention from the window to her. 

“What?” his hand instinctively went to the necklace, trying to understand what she meant by that, while staring at her in confusion. 

Miss Hannah sighed, slightly shaking her head. “You will find out soon” that was all she said to him. 

Blake crinkled his brows, placing his face on the window. He closed his eyes as the cool evening breeze hit his bare face. 

It was impassive and healing, making him forget everything that had been a hurdle to him. 

Feeling a burning gaze behind him, Blake flipped around to see her staring at him.

“You are just like your mother, letting people walk over you. How can you get this bruised?” she blurted in fury. Blake couldn't have injured himself. 

“Do you know my mum?” Blake threw the question at her, his perplexity advancing to its height. Miss Hannah took a glance at him and looked away instantly. 


The next day (High Court of Justice) 

8:30 am

Jeffery looked down at his watch, dabbing his foot on the floor. “Are you sure you sent him the right address?” he asked in exasperation. 

Maria bobbed her head, looking around for the sight of Blake. He conformed to the time after she sent the message to him yesterday, so why is he not here? 

Is he trying to screw her over by refusing to get a divorce? They've been here for thirty minutes and he's nowhere to be found, Blake is also not picking up his calls. 

What gave him the effrontery to keep them waiting? Does he have a death wish? The beatings he got yesterday were clearly not enough for him”

It will be better for Maria if Blake dies, nothing will make her more exhilarated than knowing that Blake is dead. 

“I am going to teach him a lesson, he will beg for his life by the time he gets here. I will make him crawl on his knees, kneel in front of me, and clean my shoe with his tongue for wasting my time” Jeffery spat angrily.

Just when Maria was about to say something, she was interrupted by someone. A man dressed in a casual suit stood before her. 

“Miss Jones? I am sorry I am late, there was a bit of traffic on my way here” he apologized. 

The man watched as Maria interlaced her arm with that of Jeffery while staring arrogantly at him. “Did you miss your way? Who the hell are you” she asked rudely 

He did an investigation about her before coming here which made him not react to how disrespectful she just spoke to him. 

“I am Kaleb Roderick, Mr Richardson’s representative. He won't be able to make it here today” he introduced. 

Maria laughed bitterly, she unlinked her arm from Jeffery's, striding towards Kaleb who stood rigid and unmoved. 

“Blake is such a coward, how could he send a proxy instead of coming himself? Is he stupid?” Maria altercated. 

“Someone is here to represent him, that's the most important thing” Jeffery comforted her by placing his hand on her shoulder.   

“Shall we get started? I am afraid I have other engagements” Kaleb urged. His statement seems to have gotten on Maria's nerves. 

She walked up to him and pushed him, hard enough to make him stagger. “You are just as jobless, cowardly, and useless as Blake. Who are you to tell me what to do?” she screamed. 

Kaleb was taken aback by the way Maria just treated him, he knew she was a spoilt, arrogant, and less-mannered rich heiress but he didn't envision her squeezing and holding onto his ten-million-dollar suit while pushing him. 

Is this how she has been treating her husband? Kaleb Roderick George is from the second most powerful family in New York. 

Kaleb got a call from Hannah earlier this morning to represent Blake, it wasn't something he could refuse because they are friends and it's the first favor from her since they became friends. 

He intentionally omitted his surname as told, he just didn't think he would be treated this way. He slowly released Maria's hand from his body, taking a glance at his suit that was now rumbled. 

“Do you know who I am? Do you know who my boyfriend is? We have the power to turn a nobody's life like yours upside down” she boasted, attempting to hit Kaleb. 

He held her hand and shoved her into Jeffery's arm. Kaleb should be the one asking that question, not the other way. 

As much as he thinks highly of Hannah, he is not going to let this slide. How can they treat people like junks because they have a little power in their hands? 

“You… I am going to make your life miserable for touching my woman that way but for now, let's get the divorce and get out of here” Jeffery spoke bitterly. 

Kaleb laughed, is Jeffery not ashamed to call a married person his woman? Even though they are going to get a divorce, she is still someone's wife.  

How did Hannah get involved with this caliber of people? 


The hospital was subtle, the doctors, nurses, and the patients were all walking on eggshells, afraid that their noises would make the guests angry. 

Both Hannah Richardson and Williams Martin are here. The patient must be a VIP to have prestigious people waiting for her….

Blake paced to and fro in front of the Operating Room.

Emma was taken to the OR hours ago and none of the doctors or the scrub nurse has come out of there. 

“Stop pacing about and sit down, I am sure she will be fine” Miss Hannah urged, she was ignored by Blake who was already intolerant. 

“Just let him be” Mr Martin added. 

A few minutes later, the Doctor came out. “How is my sister?” Blake asked, grabbing the hem of Doctor Katerina's coat. 

Miss Hannah and Mr. Martin also stood up to see the doctor. 

“The surgery was successful and Miss Richardson is out of any possible danger, she will be moved into the VIP ward shortly” Doctor Katerina announced with a smile on her face. 

Blake sighed in relief, he wouldn't be able to live if anything happens to Emma, she is his only sibling. 

“Thank you very much” he relished. Doctor Katerina smiled, she bowed her head in respect and left. 

After losing their mum, Blake has been making sure that Emma is okay. He is glad she will be able to live like everyone her age from now on. 

“I told you that she will be fine” Miss Hannah spoke, her face lit up on seeing the smile that appeared on Blake’s face. 

Blake turned to them, glancing between her and Mr. Martin. “You promised to answer my questions after Emma's surgery,” he said to her. 

“We can't be talking about your family here, young lord. This is an open space” Mr. Martin tried to persuade him but failed terribly. 

Blake's eyes fixated on the woman standing in front of him and fired, “Do you know my Mum?” 

Miss Hannah exhaled sharply, she couldn't avoid his gaze or the question as she did yesterday. 

“Of course I do, she was my brother's wife!” she replied, causing a sudden shift in the atmosphere of the hospital. 

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