Found you first

Jeffery's men pounced on Blake, they slapped and booted him to the floor. 

Blood spewed out of his mouth after several punches. While trying to escape from them, Blake ended up hitting his head on the wall, causing him to wince in unexpected pain. 

He didn't say he would not get a divorce, how do they expect him to leave his sister alone in the hospital when he is the only family she has? Particularly during an integral period of her life. 

“Tomorrow, we will get the divorce tomorrow” he enunciated. As he spoke, his voice emerged as a mere whisper, fragile and strained, barely audible. 

Each word was accompanied by a tremor, a subtle quiver betraying the depth of his uncertainty and vulnerability.  

Maria's laughter spurted with a hint of derision in her voice. “Useless people like you love their lives too?” she mocked. 

“There is no need to stain our hands with his polluted blood that screams nothing but poverty since he has agreed to the divorce happening tomorrow” Mrs. Jones interceded 

“Given the fact that I am going to meet the new CEO of Gold Crop tomorrow, I shouldn't touch anything that will bring bad luck” Jeffery boasted with pride dripping out of his body. 

Everyone's eyes turned to him the moment he uttered that. Maria once again shifted closer to him, relaxing her head on his chest as she held him tighter. 

“Are you talking about the rumored CEO that just returned? The real owner of Gold Corp,  do you know him?” she asked ecstatically, her eyes widened in desperation. 

News spread faster than anyone can think of, it has just been a few hours, how did they all find that out? 

Jeffery dusted his dress, gently rubbed his hand on his hair, and smiled confidently. 

“Of course, we are acquaintances, I have known him since we were young. He also promised to sign a long-term partnership contract with my family's company” 

After listening to that, a low chuckle escaped from Blake's bleeding mouth. How is Jeffery proudly lying through his teeth? His wife and mother-in-law are more stupid for believing whatever he says. 

The Richardsons are prestigious, even more prideful, and love associating with people who are of the same status as them. 

They would never have anything to do with anyone from the Wilson family, they will crush them, chew them, and throw them out of business forever if the Wilsons tries to rub shoulders with them. 

Blake is certain, Jeffery has never met anyone from the Richardsons. 

Maria grimaced, she let out a hateful sizzle as they all stared down at Blake who was still on the floor, his chuckle enticed their attention. 

“You have the guts to laugh while we are discussing? You stink of poverty, do you even know what Gold Corp is? Jeffery is friends with the real owner of the company” Maria elucidated, eyeing Blake in aversion. 

Blake on the other hand struggled to get himself up despite the pain that was shooting through the entirety of his body at that period.

“Since you are poor and uneducated, even with your smartphone, I bet you don't know that Gold Corp is the world's biggest and largest gold-producing company. They produce anything as long as it's gold” she added. 

Blake could only stare at them. Although, it is factual that he couldn't complete his college, that doesn't make him uneducated. He dropped out in his third year in college, how does that make him illiterate? 

Of course, he also knew about the company before he found out that he is the mysterious owner. Everyone does because they are always in ads, on television, in newspapers, and everywhere. 

Mrs Jones pushed Blake aside, walking over to Jeffery. 

“He is nothing like you. While you are nothing but a liability, my soon-to-be son-in-law is from a reputable family, a famous doctor, and has connections with the people you can never dream of ever meeting in your life” she reigned insults at Blake.

“Get out of my sight, your unsightly face gives me anxiety” Blake nodded his head after hearing that from his mother-in-law. 

Instead of going into his room, he walked out of the house.

At that point, no one cared about him, they were trying to do everything achievable to find favor with Jeffrey because he knows the world's richest man. 

Blake managed to limp out of the house, he was boiling in anger as he reminisced on everything Maria and her family had done to him. 

Even if it's the last thing he would do, he is going to make them pay in ten folds. If retaliation becomes a crime, he would gladly go to jail. 

The night was setting in and the sun was completely gone, he could hear the sound of cars from a distance. 

It has been a long day for him, the only thing he should be doing at the moment is relaxing his mind while trying to process everything that has happened in less than 24 hours. 

Tired and weak, he brought out his phone and dialed Mr. Martin’s number. The older man picked up the call on the first ring. 

“I have been waiting for your call, young lord” his voice echoed. Ignoring the way he addresses him, Blake held his head and groaned. 

“Can we meet in the hospital tomorrow? I will text you the address” he requested. “You don't have to, I know where young Miss is,” Mr. Martin responded. 

Blake didn't find it odd, the older man must have put a tail on him after he left his office earlier. Whatever the reason may be isn't important to him right now. 

“Is there anything else you want me to do for you?” Mr. Martin asked. Blake thought about it for a while and nodded his head. 

“I need a favor from you” he spoke

 “go ahead and ask anything” 

“Can I please get a place to stay?” Blake solicited, calmly and politely. Now that he is getting a divorce, he needs a place. Emma will also be discharged after tomorrow. 

“I will do that as soon as possible, you have nothing to worry about '' Mr. Martin insured. “Thank you so—” 

The impulsive light from a car’s headlights washed over his face like a tidal wave, momentarily engulfing him in a sea of brightness, leaving him disoriented and struggling to find his bearings as his phone fell on the floor. 

With his hand on his forehead to shade himself from the sudden light that shrouded his sense of sight. Blake was surrounded by two sports cars by the time he was able to see clearly. 

Swallowed in fear, he took a step back as five gigantic men stepped out of the first car, leaving him to think that Jeffrey must have sent his men to kill him but the thought perished the instant a beautiful and elegant woman exited the second car. 

With the lights from the car turned off in the darkness of the evening that was beginning to set in, Blake could barely see with just the street lights but he could tell from the clothing that this woman approaching him is not an ordinary person. 

As she approached, her graceful stride oozed an air of timeless elegance, her every movement a symmetry of composure and confidence. 

With each step, her flowing dress swayed gently, mirroring the cadence of her graceful pace. Her radiant smile illuminated her face as she stopped right in front of Blake. 

The first word she uttered threw him off guard, leaving him in a fleeting bewilderment 

“I am glad I found you first” 

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