False Accusations

“What do you say? Will you choose to let your sister die? My condition is simple. You are no longer needed in my life by the way” Maria declared firmly.

She is desperately begging him for a divorce, right? Then he will fulfill her desire.

“Since you want to get rid of me so bad, I agree to the divorce but I do not —” 

“You've made the right choice there, you are not as idiotic as I thought you were. Here is a cheque of 6 million dollars, take it as me paying you off for your one year of joblessness” she interrupted before he could complete his statement. 

She brought out a written cheque from her bag and threw it at him. “You don't need to pay back, we will get the divorce as soon as possible” she summed up

Right as she was about to turn to leave, the nurse strode towards them.

“Here is your payment receipt, sir. And congratulations, the doctor has scheduled tomorrow morning for Miss Richardson’s surgery” she announced with a wide smile on her face. 

From the very moment she learned about Blake being a real Richardson and knowing that their names weren't a coincidence, she would do anything to get in his good book. 

For the first time, the nurse is grateful for being an introvert. It saved her from being among those who insulted and trolled Blake for always looking like a poor person. 

Maria analyzed both Blake and the nurse in disarray. Emma's surgery has already been paid for, how? 

“Thank you so much, I will see Doctor Katerina later” Blake replied, he collected the paper as she nodded her head and left after a respectful bow. 

Blake shoved the cheque back into Maria's hand, folding his hands in front of him right after. “My sister's surgery has been paid in full, there is no reason for me to accept your money anymore” 

Maria burst out into a feast of laughter, she knew Blake did not have up to half a million dollars. How was he able to afford the money? 

“I know you have been a liability to me and my family but did you result in stealing my money because I refused to give it to you?” Maria accused. 

With a slow, deliberate lift, one eyebrow ascended, a gesture of skepticism and uncertainty, silently pleading for clarification amidst the tangled web of thoughts swirling in his mind. 

“What are you saying?” he probed. “What sort of stupid question is that? You stole from me if not, how do you plan to elucidate where you got the money from? Is that what you have been doing?” 

Blake snickered, does she think that low of him? They've both never shared a bedroom since their marriage, he can count the amount of time he went into her room because he was never permitted to. 

How did he steal from her then? Through the air? He is the one who is being robbed by them, mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

“You are not just a poor and outlandish human, you are also a thief. How uncultured! You are not fit to be called a man, you are nothing more than a pesticide”  

Instead of reacting, Blake shook his head and began walking away. “Where do you think you are going? I am not done talking to you, Blake” Maria bickered. 

Blake paused with a loud sigh, rubbing his hand through his hair in frustration. 

“How did I steal from you when I am not allowed into your room?” he asked, looking distinctly enraged.  

Maria knew that as well but she was curious to know where he got the money from. He must've had a deal with the devil or signed a contract to enslave himself forever. 

“We will go to the court after Emma's surgery and get a divorce,” That said, Blake walked away, giving her no room to hurl insults at him any further. 


Startled by the door’s sudden angry slam, Emma looked around in agitation to see Blake walking up to her, his eyes red from outrage. 

“What is wrong? Are you okay?” she asked, lifting herself from the lying position she was in earlier. 

Blake let out a deep sigh, with just a glance at his sister, he felt as if his worries and frustration had washed away. 

He would do anything as long as Emma is happy and healthy, that's enough for him. 

“I am sorry I got you frightened, ignore my mood earlier” he contended. 

Emma glanced at him for a while and nodded her head, she already knew that he would not tell her what the problem was, given his personality.

She is also aware that the only reason Blake would get angry would be because of his wife and her family. 

Although Emma spent a few months with them before she was admitted, those few months were hell for her, she was treated worse than a slave. 

Guilt washed over her knowing that Blake is still with Maria because of her. He is with her in hopes that he could get help with her surgery fees. 

“How are you feeling now? Any better?” Blake asked, interrupting her thoughts. 

“The pain subsided after the injection doctor Kate gave me, I feel much better than yesterday” she replied, a smile spread across her face as she pulled Blake into a tight hug. 

A low chuckle eluded his lips, he slightly ruffled her hair like a baby. She's only 21 and he's 5 years older than her, of course, she's still a baby. Emma will forever be one to him. 

“Are you excited because you f*el less pain now? How will you f*el if I tell you that your surgery f*e has been paid and your operation has been scheduled for tomorrow morning?” he emphasized.

Emma pulled away from his grip, goggling at him in distrust. “You are joking, right?” she questioned with her eyes ensuing his every move. 

Blake brought out the receipt and waved it in front of her, she grasped it from his hand to find out that he wasn't wisecracking when he said that. 

“How?” she asked, her eyes wide open in stupefaction. Blake lifted his shoulders in a shrug, modeling a smile on his face. 

Emma's shoulder slumped with guilt washing over the excitement she felt earlier. Blake noticed the change in her mood. 

“What is wrong?” he asked, holding the hem of her hospital gown. Emma bent her head, fidgeting with the tip of her fingers. 

“Did you get the money from Maria? Did you perhaps sign a contract that you would be her slave forever before she gave you the money?” she quizzed, desperately wishing for him to rebuke her statement. 

Blake cracked up at her words. “Are you worried that I will slave the rest of my life away? Don't worry yourself with things like this, I didn't get the money from her” he assured. 

“Then, how?” she followed up with another question. Blake sighed, how is he going to explain it to her when he is also confused? 

He shook his head and gave her his best smile “We will find out how but I guarantee that I didn't do anything immoral” he pledged. 

Once again, Emma hopped on him, hugging him tightly with tears surging out of her eyes. “Thank you so much, Blake, I am sorry” 

Blake pulled her out of his embrace, he wiped her tears with his thumb as he shook his head at her in disapproval. 

“You did nothing to be sorry for, you are my responsibility and I promise to give you a better life from now on. I will give you the best of everything you want” 


Being aware that Maria and her Mother will be waiting to scorch him, Blake plans on sleeping in the hotel tonight. 

He just came back home to pick up a few things and leave, he thought it would be possible to do that without alerting anyone but he was wrong. 

Blake saw Mrs Jones coming into the living room, accompanied by Maria and Jeffery Wilson. Why is he here? 

Blake raised his eyebrow questionably as he stopped moving forward, they had seen him, there was no way he could go back. 

“Why are you just coming home now? Do you think you can leave the house and come back anytime you want?” Mrs Jones screeched. 

“I was with Emma” he defended, taking his time to glance at his faded watch. It was just 3 minutes past 7. 

“How can I believe you when you stole my money to pay for her surgery? The five million dollars I kept in my drawer is missing and I just learned that it's the exact amount for her surgery” Mrs Jones accused. 

Blake stared blankly at her, unable to fathom what she was talking about. If the money went missing, does it mean that he took it? Why is he getting accused by both mother and daughter? 

“Is this thing your husband?” Jeffrey's voice echoed in the room, forcing Blake to look at him for the second time. Is he now a thing? 

“My soon-to-be ex-husband” Maria corrected, she ran to him and encircled her arm around Jeffery. “Why is it taking time to get a divorce? You know I can't marry you if you are still married to him” Jeffery stated. 

“I am sorry Jeff, this ugly-looking man said that we will get a divorce after his sister's surgery. The surgery might take a day, he is so obsessed with me, that is why he is looking for justifications to stay with me” Maria whined. 

“You are getting a divorce with him tomorrow, he doesn't have to consent to it” Mrs Jones seconded as Jeffery nodded his head in agreement or they could make him agree, with force. 

Jeffery clasped his hands together and right at that moment, two hefty men came out of the hallway. Blake could only stare at them, he couldn't think of anything to say to them. 

Jeffery walked up to him, he kicked and slapped Blake's chest, forcefully pushing him backward. “Do you agree to get a divorce tomorrow?” he threw the question at him. 

Blake scoffed, slapping Jeffery's hand off his chest. “I need to be at the hospital tomorrow, I need to stay by my sister's side” he explained. 

Jeffery laughed in a resentful tone. “How dare you? Do you know who I am? I am the only son of the Wilson family, I can kill you and nothing will happen” Jeffery ranted in fury. 

He tapped his leg on the floor and signaled his men to come over. “Beat him up until he is ready to get a divorce tomorrow, tear him apart, and kill him if you can” 

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