Jeffery Wilson

The book on Cheryl's hand fell to the floor, her eyes flickered between Blake and Mr. Martin while Blake stood there with a confused expression. 

“I am just an acting CEO, how dare you talk to a member of the Richardson family in that manner? The overall owner and CEO of Gold Corp?” Mr. Martin voiced. 

The commotion drew the attention of other workers who were as shocked as both Cheryl and Blake himself. 

Blake is the real owner of Gold Corp and a member of the Richardson family, the most powerful family in the world. They could make anyone disappear in seconds and they won't be reprimanded for it. 

It was rumored that the real owner of Gold Corp had been away for years, the whole world knew he was going to come back but Cheryl didn't know he would come back looking like this. 

How could she not have known? Cheryl's shoulders slumped in defeat, right there in front of everyone, she dropped to her knees in front of Blake. 

“I am sorry Sir, please have mercy on me. I had no idea who you are but I have gravely insulted you, please forgive me” she implored. 

Blake stared at her, he was too stupefied by everything that just happened. “You are fired, Cheryl. Take her out of this premises” Mr. Martin dictated to the securities. 

Standing in front of Blake, he pointed in the direction of the elevator. “This way, Sir” everyone paved the way for them to pass. 

Once in the office, Mr. Martin closed the door behind him, offering his seat to Blake who casually sat on the sofa trying to process everything. 

What his mother stated was true but how is he the owner of Gold Corp? He is someone who has never had any affiliation with conglomerates. 

How did he rise to the top? There were so many questions navigating through his mind. 

“I apologize on behalf of that employee, she was ignorant” Mr. Martin beseeched. Blake waved that aside, choosing not to answer. 

“I know you have a lot of questions to ask, I will ask my assistant to cancel all my schedules for today. We can go somewhere else and talk” the middle-aged man suggested. 

Again, Blake shook his head. As much as he wants to know who he is because at this point, he doesn't know himself anymore, he has something important to do. 

“Can we schedule a meeting for another day? Right now, I am in need of money for my sister's surgery. The only thing I have with me is this” he spoke, touching the necklace around his neck. 

Mr. Martin recalled the necklace, it was handmade by his Lord years ago. Although it is in demand, no one except Blake owns this same necklace, not even the rest of the Richardson. 

“You can't sell it” Mr. Martin sauntered towards his desk, he picked a black card and passed it to Blake. 

“This card is now yours, the amount in it is unlimited. You can use it to get anything you want for now” Blake's eyes lit up in gratification. 

Everything doesn't look real to him but if he can pay the bills in the hospital, that's enough for him. He thought of the possibility of the card being fake but he died the belief instantly. 

There is no way a reputable person like Mr. Martin will hand him something like that, right? 

“You can call me anytime you are ready to know more about yourself and of course, your position is vacant too, I will start making preparations at your demand” 

Blake moved his head with vigor, signaling disagreement. “I just want to take care of my sister for now, thank you for this” Blake didn't wait to get a reaction from him, he strolled out of the office. 

Right after he left, Mr. Martin dialed a number. “Follow him and find out the hospital where young miss is being admitted, send enough guards to secretly guard her ward. She will be the first person they will go after” 


Blake arrived at the hospital, he went candidly to the admission desk for the payment. “Welcome back Sir, is there anything you want me to help you with?” the nurse polled. 

“I am here to process the payment for my sister's surgery” he spoke, a little too confident as he stretched out the black card to her. 

Her eyes widened the moment it landed on the card, anyone would recognize it without being lectured. This black card is only owned by the Richardsons, it has never been issued to any family aside from them. 

If they are from such a prestigious family, why did he hesitate to pay for the bills? Was he thinking of transferring his sister to a better hospital? 

Her eyes met with his and she hastily looked away. “I will process the payment and inform the doctor to schedule a date for her operation, sir” she spoke in a softer tone, scared she would end up getting a member of the Richardsons angry. 

Without wasting time, she imputed the amount and slid the card on the machine then handed it back to him. “I will bring the receipt to you, sir,” she volunteered. 

Blake nodded his head with a small smile on his face, heading to Emma's ward. He was beginning to believe everything, the black card was real, and his mother was right. 

He is no longer the taunted and useless son-in-law anymore, he is the owner of the biggest company in the world with enormous wealth and power under his feet even though he doesn't know how he became one. 

Just as he was about to step into the ward, he heard his name being yelled, chaperoned by the sound of claps.

Turning around, he saw his wife, Maria walking up to him. “And here comes my beloved husband” she emitted in mockery. 

“What are you doing here?” Blake queried with a raised eyebrow. It's been months since Emma was admitted, and no one from his wife's family ever visited her. Not even Maria herself. 

She must have a motive to be here. “Why else? To see how my sister-in-law is fairing of course” she enunciated. 

Blake scoffed, he knew better than anyone else the kind of person she was. “Right, I also came with the money for her surgery. What can you do without me?” she probed, overly boastful.

Maria took a few more steps closer to him, leaving inches of space between them. 

“Well, on the condition that we get a divorce. Being married to you is such great work, you are not half as good as my boyfriend” she smudged. 

Blake's body stiffened, frozen in disbelief. A mix of emotions flooded him, evident in the trembling of his hands and the shallow breaths escaping his lips. 

Uncertain of the rationale, from either the reality that his wife blatantly requested a divorce or just finding out that she has been cheating on him.  

He knew their marriage was not all rosy but he never predicted to be cheated on. “Boyfriend?” Blake repeated. 

With a sneer curling her lips, she unleashed a scornful laugh that echoed through the walls, each mocking sound like a cruel echo of superiority, leaving no doubt of her contemptuous revulsion for Blake. 

“Were you expecting me to stay faithful to you? Even the basic act of purchasing a dress for yourself eludes your capability” she flared up. 

“I only got married to you because I had no choice, if I had met Jeffery earlier, I wouldn't have anything to do with a nobody like you” 

Blake was dumbfounded, his mouth opened and closed soundlessly as he searched for words that refused to come. 

His mind raced, but his tongue felt heavy, immobilized by the sheer magnitude of the situation unfolding before him. 

Amid the deafening silence, his incredulous gaze spoke volumes, transmitting a whirlwind of feelings that words could never fully capture. 

At one point, Blake thought things could turn out to work between them but he was wrong. He has been fooling himself all along! 

In the tense silence that followed, his eyes fixed on her with a piercing intensity, anger smoldering beneath the surface. 

Each second seemed to stretch as his gaze bore into her, conveying his frustration and bitterness without a word spoken, his hand clumped into a fist. 

“If you must know, I am referring to Jeffery Wilson from the Wilson family and also the most famous surgical doctor in the whole of the city. You can't be compared to the smallest of his toenails” Maria gloated. 

The Wilson family is one of the richest families in the city. Maria is already from a rich home, so why can't she be content? She wants to divorce Blake to be with him. 

What will be her reaction if she finds out that Blake is not only from the most powerful and wealthiest family in New York but also the CEO of the biggest gold-producing company in the world? 

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