“I am sorry Sir. Of course, how dare I undermine your authority. I am always ready to obey your instructions,” Ms. Turner assured calmly. She didn’t want the situation to escalate.

“Good!” Paul spoke and they both got into one of the security vans.

The drive to Coastwaters Lane was very difficult, especially for Paul whose eyes were fixed ahead on the road every moment. He hoped that he would arrive at the venue on time and that they had not killed Miriam yet. He didn’t know what it would be like for Miriam to be dead - she was one of his closest friends and not just an employee.

It was difficult to imagine and that was why he could not just take Ms. Turner for her word that she was dead. He had to go see for himself.

They soon got to Coastwaters Lane and drove along the deserted area until they got closeby to the warehouse.

“Give me a gun,” Paul said to one of the armed agents.

The agent’s gaze was hesitant as his eyes flickered in a deadly brow. He wasn’t sure if Paul was skilled en
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