Chapter 31

He was still screaming when everything began running through his memory. He was able to remember what happened that night.

" Take these pills give it to him tomorrow night since it is his birthday tomorrow you have to do it fast". A man was giving the pills to a maid who collected them and replied.

" I won't let you down I promise".

" I know you won't" he answered her.

Just then, a loud thud was heard again.

He had fainted again.

He opened his eyes to see where he was only to realize that he was still in the same bed.

He sighed out loud jerking Alex out of his thought.

" Young master you are awake".

He then instructed the maid who had been helping Doctor Charles take care of Shadrach.

" Get Doctor Charles here right now".

The maid bowed down slightly and left the room.

Shadrach then looked at Alex in the eye.

" How long have I been sleeping?" He asked him.

" Well young master, unlike the other time which was three days, this time around you've been sleeping for the past three day
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