
Alexia groaned and tried opening her eyes but she felt a sharp pain in her head, she sighed and opened her eyes after a while.

She frowned and looked around as she tried to know where she is, she suddenly felt a hand around her and she turned to see Alex. She screamed in fear and Alex woke up immediately.

“Is something wrong?” Alex asked and she screamed seeing both of them naked.

“Jeez, that is so loud.” Alex groaned and rubbed his ears.

“Alex! Why the hell am I in the same bed with you? Naked?” She screamed and he groaned again.

“Answer me! Did you rape me?” She yelled.

“What the fuck? No! I knew this will happen, I knew it.” He said and sighed.

“Alex, tell me what is going on.” She yelled.

“Don't you remember? You were drunk and I brought you here, and things happened Alexia, I tried to resist you, I really did but you kept on crying that I don't love you anymore.” Alex said and she looked at him confused.

“Why don't I remember any of that?”

“Because you have a hangover.”

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