Chapter 10: New Beginning

Tom’s Pov

Stumbling out of Sarah’s family mansion, my heart felt like a weight dragging me down. I couldn’t fathom how everything had spiraled so out of control. As I walked aimlessly, lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice the car speeding toward me until it was too late.The impact was brutal, sending me sprawling across the asphalt. Pain erupted through my body as darkness enveloped me.

The last thing I heard was a panicked voice calling for help. When I regained consciousness, it felt like only moments had passed, but I soon realized I was in a hospital bed. My body ached everywhere. A nurse came in and smiled warmly when she saw I was awake.

“You’re a lucky man,” she said. “The driver who hit you took full responsibility and brought you here. You’ve been in a coma for three days.”

I tried to speak, but my throat was dry. She handed me a cup of water, and I sipped gratefully.

“Three days?” I croaked. “What... what happened?”

“You were in an accident,” she explained. “You had
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