Chapter 9: Things Fall Apart.

Tom’s Pov

The early days of our marriage were filled with happiness, but the shadow of my unemployment loomed large. Sarah and I did our best to remain positive, but I knew the situation was taking a toll on both of us. Sarah approached me one evening with a thoughtful expression.

"Tom," she began gently, "I’ve been thinking. Maybe I can talk to my father about giving you a job in his company."

I sighed, appreciating her effort but wary of the potential backlash.

"I don’t know, Sarah. Your parents… they’re already not thrilled about me. If I get a job through your father, it might make things worse."

Sarah frowned, her concern, evident. "But you need a job, Tom. This situation isn’t sustainable." she said.

A few days later, Sarah broached the topic with her parents during dinner. Her mother, Mrs. Henderson, reacted predictably.

"Absolutely not," Mrs. Henderson said sharply, putting down her fork.

"Tom needs to find a job on his own. He should be able to provide for you without relying on our help."

"But Mom," Sarah protested, "it's hard out there. Tom’s been trying, but—"

"No buts," Her father, Mr. Henderson, interrupted.

"A man needs to stand on his own two feet. It’s about pride and self-respect."

I sat there, feeling the weight of their words. Their expectations felt like a crushing burden. Despite my efforts, nothing seemed to be good enough.The following weeks were even more challenging. I continued to search for jobs, applying everywhere and attending interviews, but the rejections kept piling up. The strain was beginning to show in our marriage.

One evening, after another fruitless day of job hunting, I returned home to find Sarah in tears. Her mother’s harsh words still echoed in my mind:

“If he can’t provide for you, what kind of a man is he?”

"Sarah," I said, taking her hands in mine, "I’m so sorry. I’m trying so hard." She looked up at me, her eyes filled with worry.

"I know you are, Tom. It’s just… my parents won’t stop criticizing you. They keep saying you’re not good enough for me."

Her words stung, even though I knew she didn’t mean them that way.

"What can I do? I’ve been applying to every job I can find. I want to provide for you, but"

She hugged me tightly. "I believe in you, Tom. We’ll get through this together."

But as the weeks turned into months, the tension with Sarah’s family only grew. Every visit to her parents’ house was a trial. Mrs. Henderson never missed an opportunity to remind me of my shortcomings.

"Tom," she’d say with a condescending smile, "have you found a job yet? Or are you still living off my daughter’s generosity?"

I clenched my jaw and forced a polite smile. "I’m still looking, Mrs. Henderson. I appreciate your concern."

Sarah would often try to defend me, but her efforts only seemed to make things worse.

"Mother, Tom is trying his best," she’d argue. "The job market is tough right now."

"Excuses," her mother would retort. "A real man makes things happen, regardless of circumstances."

The ridicule didn’t stop there. Sarah’s brother, James, also took pleasure in belittling me.

"Hey, Tom," he sneered one day, "maybe you should just accept that you’ll never be more than a charity case."

The words cut deep, but I tried to remain stoic. "I’m doing my best, James."

"Your best isn’t good enough," he replied dismissively. "Sarah deserves someone who can actually support her."

I felt like I was drowning in their contempt. No matter how hard I tried, nothing seemed to change their opinion of me. The only thing that kept me going was Sarah’s unwavering support. One night, after another particularly brutal family dinner, I broke down.

"Sarah, I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Your family, they’re tearing me apart." She hugged me tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"I’m so sorry, Tom. I love you, and I believe in you. We’ll get through this, I promise."

But the constant ridicule was eroding my self-esteem. Every failure, every rejection, felt like another nail in the coffin of my self-worth. Despite Sarah’s love and support, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was letting her down.The breaking point came when Mr. Henderson pulled me aside after yet another failed job interview.

"Tom, you need to understand something," he said coldly. "In this world, a man is judged by his ability to provide. Right now, you’re falling short. If you truly love Sarah, you need to step up and be the man she deserves."

His words echoed in my mind long after he’d left. I knew he was right, but the weight of their expectations felt insurmountable. How could I ever prove myself when every step forward seemed to be met with two steps back?As I lay awake that night, staring at the ceiling, I made a silent vow.

No matter how hard it got, no matter how many times I was knocked down, I would keep fighting. For Sarah, for our future, and for my own self-respect.

The relentless pressure from Sarah’s family finally reached a boiling point. They insisted that she divorce me, claiming it was for her own good. Sarah tried to resist, but their insistence wore her down.

“Tom, I can’t take it anymore,” Sarah said, tears streaming down her face. “They won’t stop. They’re convinced you’re holding me back.”

“Sarah, please,” I begged, my voice cracking. “We’ve been through so much together. Don’t let them tear us apart.” Her eyes filled with pain as she shook her head.

“I love you, Tom. But they’ve made it impossible. They say I need to marry someone who can provide for me, someone who isn’t a burden.”

Desperation clawed at my chest. “Sarah, we can make it work. Don’t give up on us.”

“But the pressure is much, I’m sorry, Tom. I don’t have a choice.” As she walked away, my heart shattered into pieces.

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