Alex had taught himself not to be surprised whenever he heard of Miguel’s escapades. The bastard was always one step ahead of his rivals… but not this time.

“You sold the tape to Miguel but you also made copies of it, didn’t you?” Tariq asked in a quiet but authoritative tone.

Jim’s shoulders drooped pathetically.

“There’s no point in lying, is there?”

“No, there isn’t.”

He nodded. “My brother advised me to make copies of the footage for future use, so I did.”

“And the future use was blackmail, wasn’t it? You’ve been blackmailing Miguel to pay you money, otherwise you’ll expose him.” It was not a question. It was a statement that gave no room for arguments.

Jim lifted his head. “Sir, I admit that I did blackmail him with the tape, but I did it just once and it was months ago.”

His cheeks coloured with embarrassment.

“I’m not good at that kind of thing and I had not thought it through properly. I tried to blackmail Miguel but he was quick to find out that I was behind the phone calls
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