Chapter 7. He is a Hood material.



The next morning, when Luca woke up again, he looked over and saw Sara lying next to him. He was stunned. When did she come in? It was barely six o'clock in the morning, and just four hours ago, she was nowhere to be found.

Luca walked slowly, still trying to shake off his sleepiness from his hazel eyes. He switched on the lights, which caused Sara to jolt awake.

"Why did you do that?" she asked frustratedly.

"Where did you go last night? You didn't sleep at home," Luca asked in a stern tone.

Sara froze for a moment, her body going stiff as she looked at Luca. This was exactly what she had hoped to avoid. She had married a pauper so she could do whatever she pleased, but now Luca was starting to ask questions.

"Where I went is none of your business," she responded rudely.

She pulled the sheets up and covered her body, pretending to still be sleepy, even though she rarely slept at this hour. She was usually at her club during these sleeping hours.

Luca stood there, unsurprised by the tone she used with him. He didn't expect any less from her, considering her wealth. But was she richer than Lord Ercole himself?

Who was he to expect Sara to be respectful to him when Diane Archer in the novel "Undervalued Supremacy: Inflicting My Own Karma" by Emanuel Muse betrayed her husband even after he went to jail for her family's sake.

"Why did you marry me?" Luca couldn't help but ask.

For a moment, Sara regarded him. Now she knew that he wasn't as much of a pauper as she had initially believed. But he had no right to question her actions! She looked at him and said, "I never married you. My grandpa did. If you hadn't shown up in my bed that night, we wouldn't be here!"

She snarled.

Thoughts swirled in Luca's mind. He inquired, "Do you come to Apple Club?"

The question caught Sara by surprise. She hadn't expected it, even though she now knew he was a stripper in her club. Or did he know her?

Her expression turned grim as she pondered.

Luca wondered if he had agreed to go to her home after he had drunkenly stupored that night. In his right state of mind, he would never follow a woman home, and he was sure he hadn't had sex with her. He was a sex freak, and if he had slept with Sara that night, he would definitely remember.

"You know what?" Sara started. "Pack all of your things! I can't stay in the same room with you. Besides, who the hell gave you access to come sleep over here? From today onwards, you can sleep in the servants' quarters!"

Luca's jaw tightened immediately. He looked at her with undivided attention. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if he were still Marco Luca, but now he was Lord Ercole—the richest and most ruthless Mafia lord in the world….

If only she knew what she was saying to him, she would most likely retract her words and kneel before him.

"Couples are supposed to sleep in one bed!" he retorted.

"Couples?" she repeated. "You must be delusional if you think we would do what couples do. Get out of this place before I call the guards to drag you out!"

Sara looked at Luca, waiting for him to leave so that she could call her assistant about the important business she had going on in the club. Luca standing there like a statue would be a problem.

"Just a few minutes, wifey. I need to take a bath before leaving," he said boldly, already heading towards the bathroom door. She didn't know what else to say and just rolled her eyes in disgust.

As Luca walked into the bathroom, Sara stood up from the bed and reached for her phone.

She dialed a number, and once the receiver picked up, she said, "Has it been delivered to my club?"

"Yes, my lady!"

"Good!" she mused. "Thank you. Have a nice day."

"One more thing," the masculine voice from the other end stopped her from ending the call.

"What we did last night on my jet, do you mind doing it again one of these days?"

Sara gulped. Her eyes wandered around before she replied, "I'm not a whore, and I'm married. Last night was strictly business!"

She abruptly ended the call and rolled her eyes. For a moment, she stopped and looked towards the bathroom door to make sure Luca wasn't eavesdropping on her conversations. To her, she didn't care if he wanted to stay with her, but his questions indicated only one thing... he wanted to play the role of a strict husband when she clearly knew him as a pauper.

Meanwhile, Luca dried his hair with a towel as he stared at himself in the mirror. He couldn't help but touch the pendant around his neck; it had just revealed his true identity.

He couldn't wait to go outside and get a new phone and a new house. He wasn't going to live in the servants' quarters. No, that wasn't possible. He was Lord Ercole of the Viceroy Mafia Group. However, he didn't want anyone to know his real identity until he was ready to reveal it to the public.

Before he walked out of the bathroom, his phone vibrated on the bed where he had left it. It was text messages.

Sara glanced at the phone, and her brows furrowed at the sight of it. It was an old, broken Nokia phone. She mumbled, "Not even a Samsung or an iPhone?" She pressed a button, and there they were—two unread messages.

Boss Adonis: If you miss one more day of work, you'll be sacked!

G G: Young Master, please, I need you to meet me at the Santaro Hotel by 10:00 AM.

Sara's brows knitted in confusion as she stared at the phone.

"Young Master?" she muttered in surprise, lost in thought. "Who the hell is Luca?”

The door suddenly creaked open, and she dropped the phone almost immediately, pretending as if she hadn't seen anything.

Sara didn't know whose number was saved as "GG," but the message sounded quite sensitive, and the Santaro Hotel was a very expensive place for someone like Luca to be.

Once Luca was out of the Edward Mansion, Sara picked up her phone and hesitantly dialed a number.

"Greetings, Madam," greeted the voice from the other end.

"I need you to trail Luca Marco!"

(Hey! I don't know if you're ready? Sara isn't crippled she has an hidden identity.Do you know who she really is??? Then Luca is undercover.....hmmm Are you thinking what I'm thinking??? 

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