Chapter 8. Bar Saga.



When Luca came out of the bathroom, Sara pretended not to have seen any texts. She avoided eye contact with him while her mind pondered and tried to decipher the message.

Luca picked up his phone, and when he saw the message, he quickly rolled his eyes at his boss's threat of sacking him from his job, knowing that he could now buy his entire existence.

He looked at Sara as if he knew she had seen something, but that wasn't true; he was just checking up on her. His mind swirled with thoughts of who George wanted to introduce him to.

Would the person gladly accept him, just as George did?

He had a lot of questions, but he followed his instincts and swiped the messages off the screen before throwing the phone back onto the bed.

Sara stole glances at Luca as he dressed in one of his clothes; she just couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust.

The clothes were obviously torn!

After Luca was done, he quickly boarded a bus to a bar. It was around 7 o'clock.

When the bus stopped, Luca got off and headed towards the bar, finding a comfortable spot for himself.

He had some money with him, well, not just some—it was about two thousand five hundred dollars. He had initially planned to wrap it in the proposal box for Mia. However, since she rejected him, he was now using it as he pleased.

He gestured to the bartender. "Two cups of coffee, please."

A few minutes later, a tall, muscular man with an apron tied around his neck walked over to Luca's table and placed two cups on it.

Luca smiled, his lips curving into a satisfied smirk.

Of course, now he was Lord Ercole, the boss of the Viceroy mafia group and the heir to the Marco empire consortium. It was only fitting that he behaved as such.

Luca looked around, as if expecting something. When he saw the delivery man stop in front of the bar, he smiled.

The man was about six feet tall, with a face that resembled a squirrel—clearly not the most attractive individual.

As the man approached him with a box, Luca quickly pulled out a three hundred dollar bill.

"Hey, the delivery man is here! Who ordered?" the man yelled as he entered.

But when he saw Luca, he stopped.

He was surprised, dropping the box on the nearest chair and walking over to Luca's table.

"Luc, what are you doing here?" he asked, his tone tinged with disbelief.

"How did you get in here? What..." He trailed off, his eyes scanning the table, only to fix his gaze on the coffee.

"Wait a second," he laughed. "You ordered this?"

For a moment, Luca frowned, but then his face brightened up almost immediately when he recognized who the delivery man was.

It was Aiden, his former colleague. Well, not former yet, until he goes to resign today.

Now that Luca could recognize him, his attitude of asking about the coffee wasn't surprising anymore. Aiden was one of the staff members who taunted him for being a pauper while they worked at the same company.

He wasn't expecting him to deliver his pizza for him.

Aiden looked at Luca with disgust as he said, "Luc, where have you been these past few days? I heard your lovely Mia broke up with your broke ass!" He said mockingly.

"And now you're here trying to get high with coffee? Not even a beer or fucking tequila? Poor brat! I'm sure you couldn't afford that!"

Luca clenched his fists tightly, without uttering a word. His attitude told Aiden all he needed to know.

It was moving away. It wasn't the first time Luca had ended up in a fight, so he knew what would follow next if he didn't stop.

Instead, he walked over to the bartender. "Take this," he handed over a hundred dollar bill. "Give that poor brat over there four shots of tequila."

The bartender nodded and quickly prepared the drinks to be delivered. Meanwhile, Aiden squealed happily as he walked back to where his box of pizza was.

Now that he had gotten what he came for—a delivery—Aiden quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the customer's number.

"Hey, sir, I can't find you at the bar!" he said.

When Luca's phone rang and it was the delivery number, a satisfying smirk curled up his lips, and he answered the call with just two words.

"Turn back!”

Aiden slowly turned back, refusing to believe what he was seeing. His jaw dropped to the floor in shock when he saw Luca!

In his head, he wanted to believe it was Luca who he was supposed to deliver the pizza to, but he waved that thought aside with a sigh and dialed the number again to be sure. He knew Luca wouldn't dare to afford such an expensive pizza. It wasn't just any pizza, but the Portobello mushroom pizza worth about one thousand two hundred dollar bills.

How could he afford to buy such an expensive pizza?

Another ring, and Luca picked up the call, his gaze fixed on Aiden.

"What the actual fuck!" Aiden wished the world would stop, or perhaps he would just disappear into thin air, or who knows? Maybe the rapture should take place immediately!

A confident smile stretched across Luca's face as he watched Aiden freeze in shock.

Aiden couldn't believe it was the same Luca who could barely afford a hundred dollar bill for lunch, now having such an expensive pizza for breakfast.

Aiden immediately regretted everything he had just said. He stammered, stumbling over his own words as he struggled to articulate himself. "I... I'm... I'm sorry, Luc." He let out a nervous giggle, attempting to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.

Luca stretched his hand and collected the box. That was all that mattered to him.

He pulled out a total of one thousand five hundred dollar bills and handed them over to Aiden.

"Thank you for the delivery. It's one thousand two hundred dollars," Aiden said, dipping his hand into his pocket to get the remaining money.

"You can keep the money!" Luca replied proudly and raised his phone for Aiden to see.

"You can keep the money. It should be enough to feed you until you get a better job!”

Aiden gulped, her eyes grew moist, and her expression turned grim once she saw that Luca had actually left a very bad review of him. That meant a twenty percent cut of his salary. But for her, it was different since she had already received several warnings, and this one could mean she would be relieved of her job.

Luca stared at the pizza, and his mouth began to water. He realized he hadn't eaten pizza in a very long time, especially when he was trying to buy Mia different delicacies while neglecting himself. Now he could eat anything he wanted while keeping a low profile, just as George had warned him.

"Hey, don't just stand there. Come join me and fill your stomach before you go back home and collect your termination letter," Luca teased mockingly, knowing he had struck a nerve in Aiden.

When Aiden didn't say a word but just stood there, looking dumbfounded, Luca's phone rang.

He looked at it, and it was an alarm with the tag: *10:00 AM*.

That was the time he had an appointment with George!

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