Brown Darius stared at himself, at the human being that he once was. His breath was beginning to falter, and he knew that it was just a matter of time before his body was going to give up.

His life had been a shithole, filled with problems that hadn't been his, problems that had been created by people, problems that he had taken care of. His life had been a sorry sight, and Brown found himself wishing that he had another chance, another shot at life.

The tape that was his life replayed before his eyes, and he slowly accepted that maybe the worst thing that had happened to him was his meeting of Karen Shapiro. He genuinely cursed the day that he had met her, that she had entered the lives of him and his mother.

And yes, his mother.

Despite her mistakes, the way she had steered him wrongly into the path that was now the cause of why he was sprawled on the floor of a club bleeding and unable to move, he knew that he still loved her and would always love her till the end.

Even i
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