“Repeat what you said again, Miss.”

Jenett Darius inhaled, then rubbed her hands together. She had always waited for this moment, and even now that it was in front of her, she could barely believe it. She could barely believe that she was about to out Karen Shapiro, the woman that she had worked for, for a number of years.

She stared at Margaret, and in her friend's fear, she drew strength. For her to get rid of more Margarets' in the society, it was up to her to do what she was about to do. It was up to her to make sure that the mistakes she had done in the past wouldn't repeat itself.

If she was the only one that was going to be brave enough to tell the whole world about the deceit and criminal motives of Karen Shapiro, then she was going to do so. She was afraid, but at the same time, she knew that with fear, she wasn't going to achieve anything.

Even if it was going to be her last moment on earth, Jenett wanted it to be worthwhile. And worthwhile meant that she was going to b
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