The unlikely heir

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The unlikely heir

By: Manuelito OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 412

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Alexander Thompson,son of a billionaire and a prominent business mogul chooses a different path to live after the death of his mother. He's taken in by a woman living in a poor neighborhood and trained till he gets of age and marries his highschool girlfriend, Maya Blackwood. He has a strained relationship with his in-laws as he struggles as a live-in son-in-law. Things take a turn after he gets visited by his brother, proclaiming him heir to their wealthy father's fortune. Having faced pain, betrayal and humiliation from his in-laws and friends,he promises to make every one of them pay as he assumes his role as his father's heir.

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12 chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 1The lights in the hall glittered gloriously, sending shimmering sparkles of gold and crystals. It was a night dedicated to Mr. Ferdinand Blackwood, marking his sixtieth birthday. The most prominent, influential, and rich people in Manhattan filled every corner of the hall. Alexander rushed into the hall, dumping his bag at the entrance. He was late. They were going to kill him. He needed to get to the birthday toast on time. He bumped into his wife on the way.“Hey, where have you been?”“Hope I didn't miss it?” he asked hurriedly as his wife, Maya, helped him fix his collar and adjust his tie.“No, you arrived just in time, everyone's waiting” Maya said to him as she walked him down to where the Blackwood family was gathered.Maya is Mr. Blackwood's first daughter. She had gotten married to Alex against the will of her family all because she loved him. He was the only man who had shown her what actual love meant.Her dad didn't treat her like the eldest that she was. He d
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Chapter 2
“We've all been looking for you since you left,” Gerald, Alex's brother said. They were in Mrs. Sarah's house.After Alex left his house following the death of his mother, he found himself in a poor neighborhood, where he got taken in by Mrs. Sarah. He told her everything about his father. How his dad oppressed those below him with his wealth.And also the reason why his mum left the house after she found his dad cheating on her. It was on her to the airport that she had a fatal accident and died instantly. Alex didn't want to be like his father. He saw money from a corruptive perspective.He didn't want to live that life, despite being the eldest son of his father. So he left to find his path. Mrs. Sarah has been the one helping him with her little job. Although his brilliance was able to get him a scholarship into a prominent school, she still needed to work for their needs.“Didn't I make myself clear the day I left the house Gerald? I want nothing to do with that family, especial
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Chapter 3
Alex rushed into the conference room battling with his belts. Luckily, Mr. Blackwood hasn't arrived. He went straight to the empty seat beside Elias, Maya's brother.Elias pushed the chair into the table immediately and dropped an evil gaze on him. “The seat belongs to Philip,” he chuckled.Alex looked up, and Philip was just sitting across the table. Elias happened to be the most annoying Blackwood. Whatever chance he got to make Alex feel less of himself, he never let it go. “But Philip is sitting already,” Alex insisted.“Ow…then it's for urm…my second personality then,” he said and burst into laughter. Philip joined him. Their voices echoed in the room but came to an abrupt end the moment Mr. Blackwood stepped in. They adjusted their seats into proper positions.Maya followed him behind. She sat adjacent to him and joined the silence. She noticed her husband was standing. “Why's Alex standing?” she asked her brothers. They shrugged.“He probably knows his position,” Elias replied
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4“Welcome home young master,” the servant greeted as Alex highlighted from the limousine. It drove off immediately, leaving him standing at the front of his house.He stood there quietly, savoring the memories of his home. Memories of playing by the fountain with his mother, and running around the field with his brother. They all came rushing in.“Young master, I've been assigned to your care and service. You are to move into your father's room located at the top floor,” the male's voice said again.He was probably waiting for a reaction or response, but Alex just stood there, lost in thoughts. What if he became like him? What if his newfound wealth corrupts him? This was exactly what he ran away from. He could recall sternly warning them not to look for him because he was done with his family.Looking at the bright side, as he began walking towards the mansion, this was the perfect timing for him. He was ready to take over his father's fortunes. He was ready to become the u
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5It was very early in the morning when Alex returned to his home in Gold and Ravish. He could hear the loud voices in the house. He rushed into the house to find his In-laws scolding Maya.“Get rid of that good-for-nothing boy, or you'll sit and watch your brother take after the Blackwoods art high school!” Mr. Blackwood yelled.He sounded so much like he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. They noticed him walk in but didn't bat an eye at him. Maya stood at her spot ice cold. She was almost in tears.“Maya, as much as I would love to take over the school and sad company, I hate seeing that you have to suffer all because you made a terrible mistake of getting married to this thing,” Elias chirped in. He stole a glance at Alex and then continued.“It's not that difficult. Get him to sign the divorce papers. Send him off quickly. He's brought enough shame to us already,” he added.Alex couldn't help but interfere. It was him they were talking about. They wanted to see hi
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Chapter 6
Alexander drove through the highway in his scooter, stopping a distance away from the Thompson's empire. He parked by the roadside and walked down to it.He has his dark shades on to conceal his identity. He was casually dressed, trying to avoid drawing attention to himself. He got into the building, went into the elevator, and headed for his office.When he got in, he was welcomed by his secretary. “Good Morning sir,” Ruth greeted. She was holding an Apple tablet where Alex's schedules for the day were recorded.“What's first today?” He asked as he began taking off his casual shirt to put on a well-ironed t-shirt hanging behind his desk.“Your appointment with the Blackwoods sir. I've placed a call and they're already on their way. The meeting will commence at nine o'clock,” Maya said.Alex completed the buttoning of his shirt and looked into his office mirror. A smile played at the edge of his lips. He couldn't wait.“Tell me once they've arrived,” he dismissed her.A few minutes be
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Chapter 7
For the first time in forever, Alex felt a satisfactory sensation in his nerves. He was smiling all through his journey in his scooter as he headed for his daughter's school.Due to how prominent the Blackwoods were, the arrest of Philip Blackwood would be all over the news in no time. And what would his crime be?Theft!This was one big pull for Alex. Not only would Mr. Blackwood feel embarrassed. He'll frustrate Philip for disgracing him. His wild smile was still on his face when he parked by the school side and walked into the school building.There was a scene just in the hallway. He stopped to observe what was going on. Several kids were gathered in circles, boys, and girls. It looked like they were making fun of someone.He was finally able to see who it was through the crowd. His ten-year-old girl, Zeela. Alex rushed into the crowd, pushing the kids aside as he went for his. He grabbed her from the floor, where she sat in tears.She had a cut on her ankle which had blood oozing
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Chapter 8
Alex froze that instant. His mind processed so many thoughts. What was he going to tell them? How did Philip see him? He swallowed a large amount of his saliva as he turned back to face Mr. Blackwood.Mr. Blackwood was now interested in what he had to say. He had left his table and taken a stand just in front of it. Maya too looked curious. Elias sat at the other end of the room, anxious as to what would happen next.“I asked a question, Alexander. Or are you deaf all of a sudden?” Philip asked. Nothing was coming up. Alex just stood at his spot, watching everyone's interest grow in him.“I needed a job from the company,” Alex finally said. After his statement, there was a few seconds of Silas, before Mr. Blackwood burst into an outrage of laughter. Elias joined him, but Maya and Philip stayed quiet.Philip was staring into Alex's eyes, trying to detect a lie. For a second, Alex thought Philip had discovered who he was and was just waiting for him to say it. He stared back into Philip
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Chapter 9
Maya stood still, her gaze lost in blank space. She couldn't find her voice as Alex stood beside her, waiting for a reply. How was she going to explain that Jacob Brown has been making advances towards her?She was the daughter of a billionaire. So shoving it up her husband's ass wasn't going to be difficult. But she couldn't hurt his feelings in such a manner. This gesture wasn't the first of its kind.At her twenty-eight birthday party, Jacob had persuaded her to have sex with him. He filled her head with dirt, almost making her fall for him. Elias was the person who interrupted the whole scene unknowingly.Now he just sent flowers. Right before her husband. She slowly shifted her gaze to Alex. “I have no idea, if you didn't throw the paper away I would have discovered why,” she told him gently.She furrowed her brows and smiled, trying to make the situation look ordinary. “Alex Thompson, don't tell me you're jealous of mere flowers,” she said, heading for the bin.“Merry flowers? M
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Chapter 10
Maya left the penthouse and headed for her house. She kept wondering how awful the situation would have been if Annie found her and Jacob in an awkward position. She kicked the thoughts off her head as she walked into her home.Mr. Blackwood stood at the center of the living room, speaking with his grandchild. He heard the door open and found out it was his daughter.“Run along young one,” he said to his grandchild. Maya wondered what had brought her father to her home. Ever since she got entangled with Alex, her father never visited her. If he needed to send a message across, he would send one of her brothers.She placed her bag on the table and walked further into the living room. “Father,” she greeted politely, without looking him in the eye.“I heard of your new position in the school. How did you get that?” Mr. Blackwood asked. He didn't sound happy. Maya knew her father would hear of her new position, but she didn't expect it to be this early.She remained silent, hoping he wou
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