Chapter 7

For the first time in forever, Alex felt a satisfactory sensation in his nerves. He was smiling all through his journey in his scooter as he headed for his daughter's school.

Due to how prominent the Blackwoods were, the arrest of Philip Blackwood would be all over the news in no time. And what would his crime be?


This was one big pull for Alex. Not only would Mr. Blackwood feel embarrassed. He'll frustrate Philip for disgracing him. His wild smile was still on his face when he parked by the school side and walked into the school building.

There was a scene just in the hallway. He stopped to observe what was going on. Several kids were gathered in circles, boys, and girls. It looked like they were making fun of someone.

He was finally able to see who it was through the crowd. His ten-year-old girl, Zeela. Alex rushed into the crowd, pushing the kids aside as he went for his. He grabbed her from the floor, where she sat in tears.

She had a cut on her ankle which had blood oozing out. 

“Who did this?” He yelled after taking his daughter in his arms. She held onto her father and buried her face in his neck. “Answer me!”Alex added.

A young girl, quite taller than his daughter stepped out. The edge of her lips was curved to one side as she stood a distance away from Alex.

Alex thought he recognized her. She looked like a regular face in the Gold and Ravish. He walked closer to her.

“You? Who are you? Why would you treat someone in such a manner? Aren't you old enough for this? Don't you have parents who warn you against beating up younger ones?” Alex lashed.

“You don't know me?” The girl said with a look of shock on her face. She looked at the crowd which had gathered in the hallway. Her gaze fell back on Alex. “Well I know so well, puddle husband” she mocked.

The crowd burst into laughter. One after the other, they brought out their phones to video what was going on. 

Her identity suddenly struck Alex. He knew he had seen her somewhere in Gold and Ravish. She was Claire Brown, daughter of Jacob Brown.

In the gold and Ravish, Jacob Brown was number one. The most influential, richest, most respected.

He stayed in the penthouse in Gold and Ravish, where he lived with his wife and their only gem, their daughter.

Jacob Brown was hardly ever seen. He was always on business trips, conference meetings, attending events, or at work. Nobody in Gold and Ravish knew when he was around or not.

Before Alex got married to Maya, he overheard his father-in-law discuss Jacob Brown, as his perfect choice for his daughter. Unfortunately, those talks stopped when Jacob brought information about his marriage.

That should be the reason why this little girl had the guts to act in such a manner. Alex glared at her wickedly. She was a child but needed corrections in her manners. He walked up to her slowly.

For a second he saw her fidget, but she was trying to cover it up with a blemish smile. Alex stood an inch away from her. “Don't you have manners, Claire?”

Claire chuckled. She inched closer to him as well. “Glad you remembered who I am. Which means you know who my father is. If I were you I would take my ragged self out of here. Unfortunately, I can never be you,”

The crowd burst into an uproar listening to her speak to the elderly man. They were more like encouraging her to get more points. 

“What's going on?” A loud feminine voice rang in the hallway like the school bell. The students zapped into several corners, watching from their angle.

On hearing the principal's voice, Claire fell to the ground and began sobbing. She grabbed onto her cheek, pretending to be in tears.

Principal Yunhui got to them in no time. She was a Korean lady in her early thirties. She had a stern look on. “Claire? What's going on?”

“Finally principal Yunhui. Claire here and a few of her friends bullied my daughter. Is this what you condone in your school?” Alex chirped in.

Principal Yunhui's look of concern shifted to Alex. It quickly turned into a disgusting expression, watching the useless man ask her questions.

“You two, to my office. I'll let Mr. Brown know about this too,” she instructed.

Alex followed her to her office with his girl in his arms. Claire followed behind. She was on her phone, watching the videos which her friends just sent to her.


Mr. Brown walked into the office an hour later and was welcomed warmly by the principal. After he sat, principal Yunhui started.

“Claire, explain what went down again,” she said.

“I was trying to get to the snack station when Zeela ran into me. She tried pushing me violently but I was able to get a hold of myself. She fell instead and sprained her ankle. Her dad came in and–” she stopped, eyeing Alex.

“Go on, Claire,” Principal Yunhui said. Claire was trying to look afraid so they would think Alex was threatening her. Then she continued.

“He stepped in and slapped me, accusing me of bullying his child,” she added.

“Principal Yunhui that's not fair. You know that's not true. I saw the students' recording why not watch one of the videos,” Alex defended, but she snubbed him.

Principal Yunhui turned to Jacob Brown. “I'm sorry for encroaching on your schedule. But most times, we have such men who come from nothing and have nothing disturbing the school system”

She stopped and stole a wicked glance at Alex. Then she continued. “I only wanted to let you know what kind of person you have living with you in the Gold and—”

“Mrs Yunhui” Jacob Brown finally spoke. It looked like he was repressing his smile. He sat up from his chair and leaned closer to the table. “Did you have to disturb my work time?”

“You sure do know the best way to resolve this issue. I can't be wasting time here trying to resolve an issue with a nobody. I have an office, I have several business appointments and schedules” he added.

He stood up ready to leave but turned back to her table. “Make sure my daughter gets the Justice she seeks for being bullied by a parent in your,” he added then walked away.

Claire wanted to go after him but he was too fast. He slammed the door immediately, leaving her smiling wildly at the door. She hid the smile with a sad face and turned back to the principal.

Alex couldn't believe the principal could be a part of this. His little girl was hurting and was probably going to be traumatized after this act. Why would the principal be so unfair? Then he remembered. Everyone saw him as a nobody.

“Alex, your daughter will be punished accordingly. You won't be left out as well. Do well to show up at my office tomorrow so I can show you the specific toilets to be cleaned. Leave my office,” she completed. 

Alex nodded with a soft smile. Her case was going to be an easy one. He held onto his daughter's hands and led her out of the office. They walked out of the building, into his scooter. He dialed Ruth's number and she answered immediately.

“Find out who the owner of my daughter's school is,” he instructed. He dropped his phone and ignited the engine. It rang again. It was Maya.

He answered the call. “Hello, Maya,”

“Alex, what have you done this time? Your video is all over the internet. You've just multiplied Dad's anger!” She yelled. “Dad wants you home immediately!”


Alex walked into his father-in-law's house and was welcomed by the cold gazes which landed on him. He almost froze at his spot but managed to walk up to the point where Philip stood.

The silence in the room was deafening. He could hear the ticking of Mr. Blackwoods’ wristwatch. He stood beside Philip, whose head was buried to the ground. Maya looked scared, and this made him wonder how upset his father-in-law must be.

Mr. Blackwood walked into the living room angrily. He advanced to where they stood. He raised Philips's head and dashed a dazzling slap to his face. 

“A Blackwood is a thief?” He yelled. “Do you know what you have caused me? Do you know what shame it is to have a son who is a thief,” Mr. Blackwood yelled.

“Dad, I didn't take that. I was framed,”

“Quiet!” Mr. Blackwood yelled as he hit him again. Philip's face was blood red, with his father's fingerprints designed in mixed patterns.

“What haven't I given you? I have provided everything you need. Everything! And yet you steal from a company! Now look!” He took the remote from the table and turned on the television.

It was the news station. The news headline read, “Son of Blackwood Ferdinand arrested after getting caught taking out a million dollar gold pen from the Thompson's company”

The female newscaster narrated the full incident with picture proof. Philip felt his heart melt. Who would set him up? The memory of Alex slipping out of the company struck him.

“He dare not,” he thought to himself.

“And you!” Mr. Blackwood shifted his gaze to Alex. He inched closer to him. Alex avoided eye contact with Mr. Blackwood. “Do you know who the browns are? You beat up their child” he started.

Alex knew there was nothing he would do or say that would make his father-in-law believe him. He just stayed silent, listening to his banter. Mr. Blackwood finished with him and proceeded to his table to take a seat.

At that instant, Alex's phone beeped. He stole a glance at his phone. It was a message from his secretary. “Perfect,” he thought.

“Get out of my sight. The both of you!” Mr. Blackwood yelled.

As Alex turned to leave, Philip grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.

“Come to think of it,” he started with a wicked glare. “I saw Alex leaving the Thompson's company just as I was dragged by the police. Mind telling us what you were doing there?” He dropped.

Alex's heart sank immediately. What was going to do? Has his cover been blown?

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