Chapter 9

Maya stood still, her gaze lost in blank space. She couldn't find her voice as Alex stood beside her, waiting for a reply. How was she going to explain that Jacob Brown has been making advances towards her?

She was the daughter of a billionaire. So shoving it up her husband's ass wasn't going to be difficult. But she couldn't hurt his feelings in such a manner. This gesture wasn't the first of its kind.

At her twenty-eight birthday party, Jacob had persuaded her to have sex with him. He filled her head with dirt, almost making her fall for him. Elias was the person who interrupted the whole scene unknowingly.

Now he just sent flowers. Right before her husband. She slowly shifted her gaze to Alex. “I have no idea, if you didn't throw the paper away I would have discovered why,” she told him gently.

She furrowed her brows and smiled, trying to make the situation look ordinary. “Alex Thompson, don't tell me you're jealous of mere flowers,” she said, heading for the bin.

“Merry flowers? Maya these are expensive flowers. They cost a lot. I can tell,” Alex said.

Maya picked the folded letter from the bin and unfolded it. The writing was still clear. Then she scoffed.

“See, he was only congratulating me on my new position. According to the letter, he said he put in some good words for me after he met the new CEO of the Thompson empire,” Maya said, folding the paper back and dropping it in the bin.

‘He what? Such a stupid liar,’ Alex cursed in his thoughts. How could Jacob Brown lie about meeting with him? Was he trying to impress his wife?

“He put in some good words huh?” Alex said. Maya noticed his look of envy and chuckled.

“Listen, no matter how many good deeds he dies for me, I remain your wife, and you, my husband. Let Jacob Brown be. He's just being modest,” she said and kissed his cheek.

Alex couldn't help but laugh in his mind. It resulted in a very soft smile on his face. His wife may be saying the truth from her angle, but he knew Jacob.

Jacob always tried to impress. He either does it for fun or wants something in return. This time, Alex could bet he wanted something in return. He sighed and nodded. “Alright then. I'll leave you to work,” he said and turned to leave.

“Alex,” Maya called him back. He halted and turned to her. “Don't forget my birthday is around the corner,” she said with a wide smile. Alex returned the smile before leaving the office.

He knew her birthday was approaching, and he had just the perfect surprise for her. All he needed to do was get more material items.


“Puddle husband, over here,” Elias called Alex as he stepped into the Gold and Ravish building. They were decorating the hall downstairs against Maya's birthday which was going to be celebrated the following night. 

“Join the team,” Elias instructed. Alex looked at the materials scattered on the floor.

“But Elias, father has paid them for their job. I believe they can handle it fine,” he said.

Elias shot a glare at him. “You question my commands you good for nothing brat!” He yelled. “Pick up the materials and join the team!” Elias added.

Everyone's attention was already fixed on them. Alex looked around the hall, feeling their gaze weigh him down. He didn't like attention. 

He advanced to pick up the clothes when Mr. Blackwood's voice came calling from the elevator. He ran to answer his call.

“What are you doing here by this time you useless man?” Mr. Blackwood asked.

“I rushed home to get Zeela's lunchbox. She forgot it before leaving,”

Before he could finish talking, Mr. Blackwood landed his palms hard on his face. “ Why would you let her forget her lunchbox? Zeela is my granddaughter! Why do you want to starve her to look as wretched as you!” He yelled.

Alex rubbed his hand on his cheek gently, soothing the pain. He looked back at Mr. Blackwood. “I'm sorry father,” he apologized.

Mr. Blackwood who had expected him to react differently sighed in anger. He pushed him aside and continued down the hall.

Alex waited until he was out of sight. He went into the elevator, heading to his apartment.


Maya parked her car in the garage and hurried toward the back door. She used the elevator, heading for the penthouse.

She stepped into the house just as the elevator opened, and stood there for awhile.

She had only been there once. When they parked into Gold and Ravish. They visited the penthouse to greet Jacob Brown, who later threw a party welcoming them. 

She began taking slow steps in, savoring the beauty of the place. The door leading to the front was open, letting sweet cold air flush in.

Maya forgot her reason for being there. She followed the air, till she burst out of the front.

It was a very view from the penthouse. Manhattan looked so pure and heavenly. The lights mix up and create a beautiful prism. The cold air flushed against her skin. She leaned into the rail, taking a slow breath in.

“Beautiful, isn't it?” She heard Jacobs's voice from behind. She didn't turn around after she recognized he was the one through his voice.

“Why did you send those flowers?” she asked instead. She heard his footsteps approach her slowly. He didn't walk to her side but stopped behind her. She was tempted to turn around.

“A little way of congratulating you. Since your husband is broke to do such,” Jacob said.

“He's my husband. You don't speak about him in such a manner before me,” Maya corrected. She could feel his breath fanning against her nose. She tried taking steps away from him but realized his hands were just behind her back.

“Now he's asking questions about us like something is going on between us,” 

“Is there?” Jacob leaned closer. Maya could feel the tension between them. She loved her husband, and she wasn't going to make the mistake of betraying that love. But Jacob wasn't making things easy for her now.

A ding came from the elevator, separating the two of them. Jacob picked up his glass of champagne and turned around to the visitor. However, it was no visitor, but his wife, Annie Brown. 

“Ann, you're early,” Jacob said. He wasn't expecting her anytime soon after she left to pick up their child from school. Annie smiled at him. Her gaze shifted to Maya who just walked in from the balcony.

“Hello, Maya. Didn't think I'd find you here,” Annie said, her smile growing wider.

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