Chapter 3

Andres scratched his itchy ear. He had been sitting for an hour listening to the complaints and the latest news about the state of the population from Wildan, the general who served as the most feared and respected security minister on Craco Island.

Andres only accompanied his uncle, but as a future king, he also had to know about the territory he would rule one day. So that he is not considered stupid for not knowing anything. Especially so that he is not easily cheated by high-ranking royals who like to manipulate.

Andres ran his fingers over his thighs. He was bored, but he couldn't show his boredom in front of his uncle.

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"  Wildan asked the king. He had prepared everything, whenever the king ordered him to deploy soldiers to solve this problem.

Dustin stroked his white beard. His brain thought hard to find a solution to this never-ending problem.

"If let it go. The lives of the people will be in danger, Your Majesty."

Andres closed his eyes. Who is the real perpetrator of this crime? What are their goals? Andres clenched his fists tightly. He promised himself. If the culprit is caught, he will ask his uncle to give the perpetrators the death penalty! No mercy.

The people of Grassland are in a state of fear and worry. The news said that several houses were visited by a group of unknown people who ransacked the whole house and threatened the occupants of the house with sharp weapons. Every night, the inhabitants felt restless and closed their houses tightly until there was no opening for an ant to enter.

"Put soldiers on guard in the west and south. You know what you have to do, don't you?"  Dustin finally gave the order.  It is better to act immediately than the number of victims increasing.

Wild nodded enthusiastically. He bowed respectfully and resigned himself to carrying out the king's orders by preparing the best soldiers the kingdom had.

Andres frowned. If only he was allowed to go out at night. "Uncle."

"No." Dustin shook his head.

Andres smiled wryly. "Does Uncle know what I want to say?"

Dustin glanced at his nephew out of the corner of his eye. "You want to ask me for permission to leave the palace at night, don't you?"

Andres smirked. His uncle always knew everything about him. Andres had long suspected, is his uncle could read minds? This is scary.

"Uncle has allowed you to play outside the palace, you should be grateful." Dustin glared at the white cloth wrapped around Andres' hand. "Every time you come home you have wounds on your body. This is because you always run away during training." Dustin hit Andres on the head with a parchment.

Andres stroked his head which was throbbing in pain, the parchment was heavy. "I'm already proficient with the sword, Uncle. So what am I training for?"

Dustin glared at Andres sharply. "This kid is so arrogant. Many people are more skilled than you!" Dustin walked to his room, leaving Andres alone.

"Many people are more skilled than you," Andres repeated his uncle's words. He remembered what happened yesterday when he was ambushed by robbers and helped by Arion and Auristela. Yes, it's true what his uncle said. Still echoed in his mind, when Arion fought the five robbers alone. Arion's ability to fight is amazing. Should he learn from Arion? Or ask Arion how to become that great?

Of the two questions, there is a more important question. Can Andres meet again with Arion and Auristela? He had promised to repay the kindness of the brothers.


The atmosphere in the palace was always quiet. The palace area is tens of hectares, of course, some places are not touched by the royal soldiers. It took a day to circle the palace without rest.

Andres looked up at the clear cloudy sky.  Andres doesn't like being followed by guards because he feels his life is like a fugitive. He prefers to be alone while contemplating various things.

The base of the soldiers in the western palace looks very crowded. The soldiers were busy with preparations for tonight, arresting the perpetrators who had disturbed the peace of the residents.

A white horse came up to Andres. "Hi, Joe." Andres hugged his favorite horse's head. "I haven't ridden you in a long time. When was the last time we went for a walk together?"

The white horse named Joe answered Andres' question by shaking his head. They had been together since Andres was ten years old. Joe filled Andres' lonely days with laughter. Joe is an obedient horse and sometimes has very funny behavior. Andres loved his white horse very much.

"Joe, will I ever be a wise and just king? Can I be like uncle?" Andres sat on a weed under a tree. The white horse curled up and rested its head on Andres' thigh. Joe acts like a dog, that's because Andres treats Joe like a puppy. Even though Joe has a big and dashing body like a horse in general.

Joe rubbed his face into Andres' hands. Calm the master. Their bond is very strong. Joe seemed to be able to feel the anxiety and fear that Andres felt.

The burden of life that Andres bears since childhood is not easy. Since childhood he has been nominated to be a king, succeeding the royal throne after his uncle.

Trying to pretend not to think about it, never can be. Because it is part of his destiny. Escape as far as possible and no matter how hard, fate will continue to chase him. The only thing he can do is live it.

Andres will never be able to shirk his responsibility. He had to always prepare himself if at any time his uncle gave him the royal throne or if something bad happened to his uncle.

"Joe, if I were born to be a commoner. Maybe we would never have met." Andres chuckled at the words that came out of his mouth.  What kind of thought is that? As if he was regretting and did not accept the fate of his life.

Andres shook his head vigorously until he felt dizzy. His mind was starting to get confused. Can't be let. He had to find a way to distract himself.

"Ah, Joe. Shall we take a walk around the park? I haven't ridden you in a long time." Joe immediately got up, even though Andres had not told the horse to stand up.  Joe is a smart horse and can understand his master's words.

Andres climbed onto Joe's back. The white horse walked slowly and carefully. "Joe, haven't you eaten today? You look weak," said Andres astonished. Usually, Joe would run aimlessly until made Andres nauseous.

Andres stroked the top of his horse's head. "Sorry, Joe. I'm worrying you again. Don't worry, I feel a lot better now." Andres smiled faintly. It's true, the best place to complain about impressions is to pets, even though don't get an answer.

However, sometimes all we need is to be heard. Telling everything that is on our minds and pouring out the feelings we harbor.

"Crown Prince."

Andres's face turned sour when he saw his two friends who always followed him everywhere were standing not far from him.  His two friends would never want to leave him alone.

"Are you leaving?" asked Anthoni.

Andres ordered Joe to stop, without getting off his horse, Andres looked at Anthoni lazily. "Today I don't have any training schedule."

"I know it." Anthoni knows all of Andres' activities very well. Apart from being a friend, he was given the responsibility by king Dustin to always be with Andres.

"I beg of you. Don't go without me and Almeta anymore. Yesterday we had a hard time looking for you and fortunately yesterday someone helped you. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen to you." Anthoni could not imagine, that if yesterday no one had helped Andres, then he and Almeta were late in finding where Andres was. It wasn't only king Dustin's wrath that he feared, but also what kind of wound would Andres receive? The robbers will not hesitate to kill their victims if they do not get what they want.

"Anthoni is right." Almeta nodded in agreement, she was standing next to Anthoni. "You're always giving us trouble."

Andres grinned innocently. "What did you guys do to the robber?"

Anthoni and Almeta were annoyed. "You haven't answered me yet. You have to promise." Anthoni approached Andres who was still on a horse.

Andres let out a long breath. "Yes. Okay."

Anthoni sighed. "What kind of answer is that? You don't promise."

"I'm afraid to break it," said Andres honestly with an innocent face.

Antoni looked at Andres flatly. He and Almeta had to increase their surveillance more so they wouldn't lose track of Andres again.  Don't let your guard down!

"You haven't answered my question," Andres demanded.

"About the robbers, the soldiers and they are still looking for."

Andres tilted his head. "Arion." He was reminded again of Arion whose sword skills amazed him. "You have to fight him, Anton. He is an opponent comparable to you."

Anthoni gave a green apple to Joe. "You should be the one fighting him."

"If you win, I will fight him. But if you lose, I don't want to. You can be defeated, let alone me?" Andres gave up before trying.

Anthoni rolled his eyes. It was just a clichéd excuse that was made up because lazy to fight.

"You're so pessimistic," sneered Almeta.

"How about tonight we secretly follow the soldiers?" Andres's face twisted sourly. "Hey, I'm not done talking yet!" Andres shouted annoyed, Anthoni and Almeta walked away leaving him.

"We don't want to get into trouble." Antoni waved his hand in disapproval.

"Don't do anything strange, Crown Prince," said Almeta.

Andres let out a long breath.

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