Being Called A Loser

In the arms of one of the football players was his girlfriend, Macy. Macy had been his girlfriend for a few months and he really liked her. She was one of the prettiest girls in the school, and when she had agreed to be his girlfriend, he had been so proud.

Snapping back to reality, he looked at her again and realized she was there with one of the football players. Confused, he asked her, “Macy? What the fuck? What are you doing here?”

The football player was not pleased with this line of speech, and he turned to Macy to look at her, “you know this dude?”

“Yeah, he's the boyfriend I was telling you about.”

Nodding in understanding, the guy left the couple with each other. 

“Deal with your issues, ” he said, smiling, “ and call me later.”

“Of course, ” Macy called, watching him as he left. 

When he was gone, she turned to Jason. “Why are you here, Jason?”

“What do you mean by that? You were with that football player. We're together! You were cheating on me!”

“No, answer my question. What are you doing here? After school hours? And why are you holding a mop?” 

“I'm working.”

“Okay, what do you mean by that?”

“I work here after school to make some money. You know my mum lost her job-”

“Yeah, stop talking about that, I don't care about that. You're telling me I'm dating a janitor?”

“I am not a janitor. I just needed some extra cash!”


“Can we focus? I just caught you in the bathroom with a football player, cheating on me.”


“No, you listen. The reason I'm working so hard here is so I can get you that thing you said you wanted, the purse? I am working after school so I can afford it and give you other shifts for your birthday and you do this?

What is wrong with you? You're my girlfriend, and you should not even be talking to anyone else but me. But you're shagging a football player? I can't believe you!”

Furious, he dropped the broom stick and turned away. 

He could barely believe his eyes. While he was working hard and sweating, picking up dirty socks and cleaning up after the dirty boys who used the locker rooms, who messed up the school halls, when was cheating on him.

He was cleaning glitter and sand for nothing! 

“Look, Jason, it's really not such a big deal. You know we started dating sometime back, yes?”

Thinking back, Jason nodded. He had been sending her notes and one day when he asked her to be his girlfriend, she agreed and they had gotten into a relationship. Why was she bringing that up?

“Right, and how does that even matter in the conversation? Macy, you cheated.”

“Look, Jason, ” she started, “you don't really believe we're together, right? ”

“Macy? What do you mean? ”

Rolling her eyes and sighing, she continued, a frown wrinkling her forehead. “I only got together with you because of a game of truth or dare. The boys had seen that you liked me and daredme to go out with you. ”

“So you're saying-”

“I have never liked you, Jason. You know this. So why are you acting like it was a big deal that I was playing with that guy? Our relationship is a sham. Why else would I be with a loser like you? ”

Wounded, Jason brought her out of the bathroom and tried speaking to her. “I love you, Macy. Please don't do this to me. ”

He had made a wrong move with that, because she immediately started laughing at him, a deep sound that grated on his ears. He had seen this side of her, but it had never been directed at him.

“Jason, do me a favor. Look at yourself in the mirror. It's okay, I'll wait here for you. Go in the bathroom and look at yourself. ” Hopelessly, he walked into the bathroom, taking a look at himself in the mirror.

“What about it? ” he asked, leering at himself in the mirror.

“You are not in the same class as I am, Jason. You cannot even afford to buy me a phone. You're so poor you have to work at your own school! How can you not see that that is a huge problem? ”

“Macy, please,” he begged.

“I could never be with someone as poor as you. ” 

Jason stood there, tears running down his cheeks and she continued to deliver her insults at him. 

Just then, the door to the locker room creaked open, and the football player walked in to put his clothes into the washer. “You guys are still here? Isn't he a janitor? If you like your boyfriend, you should let him get to work. ”

Giggling and twirling a lock of her hair in her fingers, she told him, right in front of Jason. “Oh, him? We're breaking up right now, don't worry about it, okay? ”

Laughing, the boy opened his wallet and there a few notes at Jason, smiling. I overheard you saying you're actually poor, didn't I? I would like to help. ”

Knowing that the boy was one of the footballers and that an insult would be coming with whatever help he was rendering, Jason waved the offer away, thanking him.

“No, but thank you, I don't want your help. ”

“Now now, Jason, ” piped in Macy, “you had better take it. You don't make enough cleaning the floors. ”

“I am fine.” 

Ignoring Jason's remark, the football player finally found what hebwas looking for, some crumpled up dollar bills that had been at the bottom of his 


Walking over to Jason, he whipped them out, opened his palm and then placed them in there, folding his fingers over the bills.

“Get yourself something nice and leave me and Lacy here alone. ”

“Her name is Macy! ” yelled Jason, running towards the guy. It was an impulse he should not have acted on, but he had, and it was much too late to take any of it back.

The guy was one of the school's biggest boys and had many things as an advantage over him, but Jason was too insulted by everything he had been 

doing since he first saw the guy. 

Before he could even get a hit out to the guy, Jason had been hit in the stomach twice, and snapped in the forehead. He felt dizzy, and he was sure he was going to faint, but in the distance he could hear Macy cheering on the footballer.

The footballer left him there feeling faint and went to take his clothes out of the washer, while in the meantime, Macy stood over him with her heels and asked him why he was so stupid.

“Why are you so poor and so foolish? Now Dan has to beat you up to teach you a lesson. What a pity.  I almost felt bad for you, being my ex and all, ” she tittered, laughing.

When Dan the footballer came back, he grabbed a marker from a nearby surface and rolled Jason over to write a message on his back.

Jason struggled, but he couldn't stop the guy from writing. 

“ S-O-R-E L-O-S-E-R,” spelled Dan, capping the marker. 

Laughing, he and macy left him sprawled on the floor. 

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