Mission accomplished!

"What's with all these questions, boy? We are here to talk business and not who I'm working with." Noah voiced out, anger evident in his voice.

"You see, the gang you are working with are our enemies. And we don't do business with our enemies." Edwin remarked, maintaining the same calm tone.

"What are you talking about? If you don't want to do business with me why then was I invited here?" Noah questioned.

Before Edwin could reply, the whistle of Marcellus was heard from behind which made both of then turn around. Turning around, Noah saw for men black suits and coats, with hats on their heads, emerge from the shadows and made their ways towards him.

They were all armed, and the looks on their faces were fierce.

"We scanned the whole area, he came alone." Marcellus informed as he walked towards the duo.

"What's going on here?" Noah voiced out in a demanding tone, and his heart racing.

"We didn't invited you over here to take business, Noah. We know you work with the Gambinos, so we I
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