
A young man clad in black suit and long black coat with a black hat on his head could be seen walking down the bustling street of Newcastle with a briefcase in his right hand. The street was filled with children playing around here and there, and men working in their small workshops.

The man walked through the street majestically, his hat covering the top half of his face, and as he traversed forward the mothers around swiftly carried their children and hid them in their shops. Anyone that saw the man in black became terrified, and heir heart raced.

The man, on the other hand, paid no attention to the people around as he carried on walking. After walking for a few moments he finally arrived in a pub.

He pushed the door open and stepped inside. Stepping into the pub, he glanced around the place. The pub was crowded with people drinking and chatting away with their partners.

He glanced around the place for a few moments before voicing out, "All of you, leave this place at once!" Oswa
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