As the sun's warm rays illuminated the scene, Victor's frustration was palpable. The lack of response from Watcher had stirred his unease, but he realized that this battle was ultimately his to fight. He couldn't let his irritation hinder the task at hand, which was to locate Megan and ensure her safety. While he knew she was alive, confirming her well-being was his top priority.

Lucas approached Victor, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the group. "Aug, we should head back now. There's not much more we can do here at the moment," he suggested, his voice tinged with concern.

Victor tore his gaze away from the burnt remnants of the mansion and turned to Lucas. The gravity of the situation hung heavily on his shoulders, but he nodded in agreement. "You're right. Let's regroup and gather our thoughts."

As they made their way back to the vehicles, the mansion's surroundings remained abuzz with activity. People were milling around, discussing the aftermath of the fire and th
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