When Lucas arrived at the scene, a somber atmosphere enveloped the area. The lifeless bodies of the guards lay sprawled on the ground, a grim testament to the fierce confrontation that had unfolded. It had been a while since Lucas had been exposed to such violence; Fred, who was usually by Victor's side in such situations, was notably absent.

"Aug, are you…" Lucas trailed off, his voice hesitant as he struggled to find the right words. The sight before him was unsettling, a stark departure from their usual endeavors.

Victor's gaze remained fixed on the sky, his expression a mix of weariness and determination. Splatters of blood marked his face and clothes, a vivid reminder of the intense struggle that had transpired.

"James got away," Victor's voice was heavy with resignation as he let the firearm he had wielded fall to the ground. The weight of the situation hung in the air, a palpable sense of frustration underscoring his words.

Lucas surveyed th

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