Chapter 79

“I understand your doubts. You do not comprehend what I said, it’s fine” The stranger glanced at them, one at a time. “Don’t worry, your thoughts are safe. Your facial expressions were legible enough to read. It’s totally fine.”

“Okay, we will go.” Kakashi ran to the flag, Jay soon joined him there. They stood by its side as they waited for an instruction to come.

They looked at each other, it was already a few minutes since they waited for instructions. “Are you going to just keep us here?” Kakashi shouted his thoughts

“Whoever brings me the flag gets to avoid the second punishment!” The stranger voiced. He smirked as he watched Jay fight nothing on his way to bringing the flag.

Jay was out of breath as he panted heavily. He rested his palms on his knees for support, “Why didn’t you move? Were you expecting a whistle to blow first?” He chuckled

“I don’t—I don’t know, I just...” Kakashi was lost for words. He really tried to understand what had just happened.

“Well boys, that is t
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