Chapter 85

Apart from the strange light that fell from the sky, it was looking like a pretty uneventful night as a watch guard. After storming out of the canteen with his food, Kakashi had come directly up into the watchtower. He looked at his meal, it had shrunk as cold bound every piece together. He felt no feeling of hunger, as he reminisced on what Jay had said. How could he think Jiro was involved in those attacks? It didn't make sense. He was angry when they accused him of being the culprit, he thought he of all people would understand the feeling of betrayal and false allegations better than anyone else. But then, what if he was right? "No no no, don't you dare try to spring it up that way. I know you think that Jiro is not a good guy, but until he proves otherwise I know he has no malice for anyone. And I know I am one not to see evil in people but-but… anyway, I just know he is not the one," Kakashi thought out loud.

"Not the one that has done what?" Kakashi was startled by the voice th
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