The three then went on top of a tall building’s roof to have a private talk. The vigilante was known as the masked batter. His files says that he fights criminals using a baseball bat made out of his earth powers. A vigilante that was behind the 15 criminals who got imprisoned because he brought the criminals into custody by dropping them off in front of the police station after defeating them.

“Now, speak up.” Says Vincent as they stood on top of this building with the cold breeze slamming on their bodies.

The vigilante then cleared his throat and began. He honestly admitted that he really doesn’t know the exact location of the market. What he does know is that it’s a normal place, not hidden from the public and only the people who knows the password can enter. It’s beneath a certain building, but his information about it is too limited for him to know where it is. But he is certain, that the market is beneath the city. And the only

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