The next day, Vincent and Trevor are now out in the backyard and is waiting for a helicopter to arrive as they must go back to Rockmington. As the chopper arrived, it only lowered a little bit since Vincent is just going to use his powers to get up there. Sophia will be departing tomorrow as that’s the end of her 2-day-long vacation. Vincent hugged his father and thanked him, including Sophia for the nice haircut. As they have said goodbyes, Vincent released flames from his feet as he slowly began to hover. Trevor shook Jameson’s hand and thanked the family for letting him stay. Jameson then told him that a friend of Vincent is also a friend of theirs. It was bad that Violet had to go immediately yesterday since she’s a very busy captain. Nevertheless, Trevor grabbed onto Vincent’s shoulder as the two then began to fly towards the chopper. Trevor hopped into the helicopter first as Vincent followed. They fasten their seatbelts as the helicopter began to fly a

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