The next day, Vincent received a message from Trevor who is currently leading the unit, that Sharon Sylvie will be traveling towards the black-market tomorrow since her last schedule was prevented because of her working overload and the high demand of the supply of drugs elsewhere. So, Vincent will follow Sharon, but he will not follow her himself as he will use his drones so it’s less suspicious and much easier to spy on them. The boss will head out at exactly 9 in the morning and they will take the east service road which has less vehicles and less heroes patrolling. It’s already 8:50 am, so Vincent prepared his drones as the time is now to finally know the location of the infamous black-market where every illegal stuff is sold and kept. A place where the clean hands have no place to be at, it is something that has tainted hands are meant to be. Vincent is still wondering that what if he is inside the market already, will he be able to endure the fact that hundreds of

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