It took 8 hours to reach Rockmington. And as the commander and Vincent walked down the airport, just like what happened in Hail-Town, people are waiting outside the airport to welcome Vincent, their newest member. Cameras are flashing, but since Ian needs to brief this brat quickly, he used his powers. Thunder clapped throughout the sky and with just a blink of an eye, the two were gone. Using his lightning powers, Ian and Vincent arrived in front of the 16th Division HQ. They went in and people saluted at Ian. They immediately went to the Commander’s office to brief Vincent. Ian told him that Vincent will not be on the field. Instead, he will be here in the office, handling documents, and if gets a green light from Ian, then he will go out there and save people. Since Brown Bears cause a lot of trouble, the squad is always flooded with complaints and some other documents. So, the Division needs al the help they can get for the documents to be handled quick

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