After telling everyone the truth, they all went back to watch this fight unfold. Vincent and Sophia are having a great fight. But the coldness in Vincent’s eyes just throws them off as they aren’t comfortable on seeing him with that kind of expression. However, they also couldn’t bear to see Vincent hide a lot of pain behind his smiles, it was also painful for them. But they were the ones at fault, no one can be blamed for that, except for them. Sophia is trying her best to beat Vincent. She kept on hurting him by hitting him with her club, but he isn’t fazed by it. Vincent blocks the club with his. And he hasn’t landed a hit on Sophia, yet,

“Come on, don’t hold back!” yelled Sophia.

Vincent then took a deep breath and went on attack mode. He went to launch at Sophia, and Sophia luckily managed to act quick. Vincent’s attacks were fast, and she couldn’t see it with her eyes. She tried sensing it, but it was no

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