Theodore was the next to fight with his opponent. He was excited, and that excitement drove him to defeating his opponent in just 1 minute. He was invincible. He hasn’t had a match in this Showdown that exceeds a minute. 1 minute is the longest, while 30 seconds is the fastest. He was just dominating. He went back to his locker and rested. It was already 6 in the evening. There will be a 2-hour rest, which will also be a way for the crowd to eat and all. Because the next match is going to make the arena explode. It will be an intense battle. And while everyone was resting and eating, the captains are now having a meeting with their Vices. They already listed down their picks for this year. And Vincent and Theodore are the only ones who’s not in their lists yet. Because they’ll decide once their battle is over. There will only be 10 students who will get invited from 5 Academies and the two are the much-awaited ones to get listed down. Because they’ll decide w

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