The cops arrived just a few minutes after they’ve apprehended Theodore’s parents. They were beaten up so bad by the locals. Theodore’s father walked past Ursula who was hugging Theodore,

“You’ll pay for this, mark my words, I’ll come for your head!” yelled the father.

They were put in the police cars with handcuffs. And then, children welfare officials came and approach the two,

“Uh, Ma’am. We’re from the Children Welfare of the city of Maryls, and we’ve come to take the child.” Says one of the officials,

Ursula then tightened her grip on Theodore, she does not want to let him go,

“I’ll take custody of the child; I’ll adopt him and raise him as my own son.” Ursula answered.

It’s the only way she can do to protect him at all cost. The officials then looked at each other and then went back to look at Ursula,

“Ma’am, it&rsquo

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