After waiting for the protesters to sign the petitions, Vincent has finally finished his first day as an intern. It was exhausting, yet, exhilarating. He now understands a peek of becoming a hero. You will be applauded if you’ve done a flashy thing in public. Vincent now knows that if you’re a hero is being broadcasted, you are bound to become famous. But some doesn’t meet the expectations of people so they tend to be forgotten and just be a regular hero with no fans or whatsoever. The protesters have passed their petitions and Vincent told them that he and his temporary division will everything they can so that their voices will be heard by the mayor. And speaking of the mayor, the woman who helped Vincent earlier to gather his courage was Tony Alexander, and she is known as The Snake-Woman because she is a shape-shifter that can turn into a snake. She explained the system that confused Vincent because he was surprised by the fact that there’s a may

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